How to Hiraya, blurb

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"Is music without emotion still music?"

Kilala ng lahat bilang isang violin prodigy, 17-year-old Jules knows she has her future set after senior highschool graduation—to enter the world stage of classical music. Paganini? Vivaldi? Beethoven? She can play their pieces perfectly with or without a score.

"Your violin has no emotion, yet you want to be a soloist? I won't watch you perform even if you give me free tickets. I suggest you switch careers. How about you perform second violin in your local orchestra? Or how about you tutor children? You should be at least capable of teaching, right?"

But when one of the world-class musicians she admires criticizes her violin performance, that future begins to fall apart. Jules thus questions her music.

Hindi ba musika ang musikang walang emosyon?

Ano ba ang emosyon sa musika?

In the first place, ano ba ang musika?


Author's Note:

Eyyo, Aicka here! Long time no read? Ha ha ha. 

This first day of 2024, gusto kong ipakilala sa inyo ang aking brain child brewing for months, which is a slice-of-life story delving into the intricacies of youth and classical music. I'm currently listening to Beethoven's Pathetique while making this post. Cross fingers to me getting back into writing. 

This story will be updated twice a week, every Saturday and Sunday (hopefully).

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 01 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

How to Hiraya 101 (Taglish)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon