Chapter 46 - her end

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"Finally. Have fun, choso."

Kenjaku had a small satisfied smile, right after just killing you in front of choso.

Choso stood paralyzed, his skin turning pale, and he was frozen in a state of disbelief, unable to take his eyes away from your lifeless form lying on the ground.

The image of your broken and lifeless body was forever engraved in his mind, and he felt as if he were slowly losing his grip on reality.

"Why!!?? Why would you have to do that!? HER LIFE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!!" Choso's voice cracked with rage and sorrow. He shouts at kenjaku furiously.

He instantly rushed towards him, his muscles trembling with the force of his anger as he did everything in his power to try and return the cruelty that kenjaku did.

"At least, I've finally got what i wanted." Kenjaku grins, and suddenly, he knelt down your form and instead chose to cut off one of your finger mercilessly and transformed it into a marble.

He already cut the connection between you and choso. That means, severing your final thread of hope. That connection had been the only thing that kept you alive in your whole existence. Your dad doesn't exist, but your mom. It had indeed been conceived through an experimental marble that your mom had swallowed from the kamo ancestor's experiments many years ago. This had resulted in her being impregnated by the curse contained in the marble, and had led to birth which is you.

The cursed marble that she had ingested was now the cause of your existence and the link connecting you to choso.

Your mom was killed by kenjaku right after giving birth. Now, kenjaku is taking your life away from choso.

This twisted turn of events was enough to shatter choso's heart with hopelessness and despair. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Choso snarled once he reached kenjaku's direction. He immediately snatched the marble away from kenjaku's hand.

"Don't fight it." Kenjaku replied and kicked Choso in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards. He proceeded to grab the marble again from choso, snatching it back with another devious smirk on his face.

Choso growled in anger and frustration. But before he even attack again, kenjaku was already disappearing in the shadow with a satisfied grin "Until then."

Choso was left gasping for air "Come back here!!" Choso yelled furiously as he was eager to follow and take it again.

With the final encounter, kenjaku already disappeared, the marble being with him. The empty feeling inside Choso's heart only grew.

He stopped running, staring at the spot where Kenjaku had disappeared, his mind raced in complete despair. He looked back to your dead body and could not continue to look at it any longer anymore.

"Y/n please..."

He bent his head down in defeat, trying to hold back tears. He turned his gaze back to you. He clenched one of his fist and placed his other hand over his eyes, his tears leaking through his fingers.

Unable what to do, he approached your form and kneeled down. He can see how your skin turned very pale, your lips, the huge cut on your neck. You looked almost uncanny, kenjaku was brutal. He touched your cheek, it was so cold under his fingers.

"Y/n! Choso! Hahh I finally found yo-" Itadori, who was finding you the whole time. He suddenly appeared on the other direction, stopped in the track when he saw what he saw.

"Y/n?" His voice lowered, not believing his eyes.

Choso pulled away when he heard Itadori's voice "Yuji." He trailed off, still not leaving his eyes from you.

Itadori dashed with wide eyes, stopping next to choso and looked down at your form "Wh— what happened!? Don't tell me she's-"

"She is." Choso covered his eyes once again, secretly breaking down.

Itadori was still looking at your dead body with a sinking feeling of grief. Your death had brought back terrible memories and terrible reminders of what had happened to nobara, your sister. He gritted his teeth, he don't wanna lose another friend, you, his best friend.

"WHAT IS LIFE DOING TO ME!! WHY AM I LOSING EVERYTHING!!" Itadori immediately shouted, being on his knees while gripping his face with rage but hopelessness.

Choso wiped his eyes, his heart was pounding in his chest. Without waiting, he gently carried your body, not caring the bloods that's going to stick around his clothes. It's his after all.

"Yuji, let's go." Choso trailed off emptily.

"Where are you going?" Itadori stopped with a troubled look.

"To shoko's place."

"But shoko can't revive someone who's de-"

"I know, we can't just leave her in here."

Both of them made their way back to shoko's place, feeling and looking empty. Choso refused to believe that this is the end. He was blaming himself for not being able to save you. He was still lost deeply in thought while carrying you, staring at your face that has nothing but a void, that was once a full of life.


Shoko turned around in her usual casual demeanor, smoking a cigarette as usual. However, this casual attitude immediately disappeared when she noticed your dead body carried in choso's arms. Her mouth parted a bit in shock.

"Y/n kugisaki? What happened?" Her voice was laced in concern and worry.

"She was killed by suguru."

'Kenjaku.' Choso mumbled to himself.

Shoko already knew who he was talking about. She sighed, tossing the cigarette away with a disappointed sigh. "Place the body on the bed."

Choso placed your body down the bed gently, his brow ls furrowed slightly. He was very broken inside "Sorry my y/n. I tried with all my might." He murmured to himself.

After watching your form for almost a minute, he looked away. Unable to shake the thoughts off about what had happened earlier in front of his eyes. With the final look, he turned on his heels and left the morgue. He was going to confront and take the marble from kenjaku once again, he couldn't care less anymore what will happen even if his life involves.

"Choso where are you going?" Itadori peeked behind the door in curiosity.



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To be continued!

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