34 | Eren's Promise.

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Kiaran's POV:

The first night seemed like a blur. Not being able to sleep a wink, Kiaran tossed and turned in her bed as it didn't feel as warm when she slept with Eren.

Oddly enough, she missed it. Sighing in defeat, she sat up in her bed, looking to the nightstand at her phone as it was about 2:45 am. Shifting out of bed as her feet hit the cold wooden floor, she grabbed her phone and slowly exited the room.

Walking across the hall to Eren's, she went ahead to check in on him as he had been asleep for a while. Creaking the door slightly to peek inside, she noticed he was rested in the same position as before—on his back, hand across his chest, and his casted leg propped up on a pillow. At least he's resting. Kiaran smiled, ready to close the door, but heard the sheets rustle a bit as she turned back as the moonlight that peered through his curtains laminated his face. She wondered if he was having another nightmare.

Opening the door as it made a rather loud, obnoxious creaking noise, she hurried in, being as quiet as possible, closing the door behind her. Walking over to his bedside, she tried to sit on the bed without waking him. She studied his face momentarily as she gently brushed her fingers across his face to move the hair.

She could hear him groan a bit before his eyes slowly began to open. Eren's teal green eyes landed on her before shifting in bed, trying to roll on his side. "Hey—can't sleep?" he asked.

Kiaran nodded, running her fingers through his hair. "Nope. It would be best if you went back to sleep," she said.

Eren yawned before reaching up to caress her face. "Lay down... stay here," he said groggily.

Kiaran leaned into him, starting to lay down with him as they both shifted comfortably into the bed as best they could. Nuzzling into his chest, she inhaled profoundly, closing her eyes a bit as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, holding her close.

She told herself it wouldn't become a habit, but—sadly, it was. She didn't mind since he was always so warm and comforting. Feeling against his chest, she could tell he was falling back to sleep as he did snore just a bit. "You need to sleep," Eren whispered.

Kiaran nuzzled in closer, taking in his scent. "I know... I know Eren. I just—I can't," she said.

She could feel his fingers brush underneath her hair before reaching her neck. His fingers found their way to her jaw as she looked up to see his teal green eyes that were barely open. "I need you to sleep. Please—" he said.

Kiaran felt her cheeks flush red as she gulped a bit as he pulled her closer to where their foreheads touched one another. "Eren—are you even awake?" she questioned.

He nodded, but she could tell he struggled to keep his eyes open. "You're—just so beautiful. Kiaran... so beautiful," Eren whispered.

Before she knew it, he began pressing his lips against hers. Her heart began to burst into millions of butterflies as this time it felt more sentimental, unlike the other times.

Her hands began to tremble, feeling his chest, moving up to cup his face, her thumb running across his cheek. She began to deepen into his lips as they began making out.

I should stop... what if he is just half asleep? Feeling his other hand wrap around her, she was soon pulled up onto him in one swift movement. Looking down at him, she knew he was definitely awake now as his teal green eyes glared into hers with a burning desire. Smoothing her hands across his chest, feeling just how strong he truly was, she felt her heart pound in her chest as perhaps this was the part where they'd make love. But was that the right thing?

Feeling his hands ride up her thighs, Kiaran trembled a bit as his palms brushed against them. With every slow movement he made, the more she believed this was what it was coming to. But suddenly, he shifted to sit up, his hands gripping onto her back, and rested his head between her breasts. She was surprised as she was sure this was what he wanted because part of her wanted it, too.

"Eren—?" Kiaran questioned. "Is something wrong?..."

Feeling his hands travel her, he breathed against her chest before looking up slowly, nuzzling up between her breasts and leaning his head into one of them. "No, Kiaran—I want to do it. If that's what you were thinking," Eren said.

Kiaran flushed red, hearing him say it out loud, but defensively turned away. "N—No! Why would you even say that," she huffed.

His eyes narrowed before moving towards her neck, pressing his lips to her ear. "So—you don't want me to make sweet... sweet love to you?..." Eren smirked.

Her lips curled up, tensing up in his grip as his hands ran down the material of her silked nightgown. It was almost as if it was being ripped off the way he continued caressing her body. His nails dug into her hips slowly. "Eren, shut up—you idiot," Kiaran pouted.

"So you want me to—? Is that what you're saying," Eren chuckled.

"No—stop teasing."

"But you're so cute when you're flustered."

"Ack! Eren, stop." Kiaran pouted.

As she began to feel him wrestle against her, it was playful as he went ahead kissing her neck, leaving small bites as he buried into her nape. Her mouth fell open a bit as she was having so many thoughts run through her mind at that moment as if he was going to do it, but he seemed more in the moment of loving on her body. For some reason, it was different to her as, yes, she had sex with Levi, but he never explored her body the way Eren was doing it.

His warm hands just had her melt into them with every kiss. But why wouldn't he go further if that's what he wanted? "Kiaran—?"

Huffing a bit, she looked at him as he stopped what he was doing. She tilted her head to the side a bit and wondered what he would do next. Part of her was begging for him as he was just a genius with how he touched her. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

Eren shook his head before moving his hands to her face, cupping her cheeks. "No—I just... want to remind you of the promise I was going to make you," he began. She hadn't forgotten, but she grew curious. "I want to promise you—that we will be together again. I won't do anything more to you until the day I make you my wife. Only then... will I give you that love you deserve most."

Kiaran felt her eyes widen in shock as she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Did he just say—he wanted to make her his wife? Her mouth hung open at this realization as she couldn't just marry him! "Eren—are you serious? You know that I can't do that," she said.

Eren looked disappointed before brushing his thumbs across her face. "Why not—? I thought that... You loved me," he said.

She instantly regretted her words as she held her breath for a moment. Was this the time to confess? It was too soon. "Eren—! No, it's not that I don't. I just... I want to figure out if that's the truth," Kiaran said, biting her lower lip. "I don't know what we are doing."

Eren smiled a bit before chuckling. "You're falling in love with me..."

Kiaran rolled her eyes, being somewhat delusional. "Yeah, you keep saying that." she huffed.

His laugh tickled her ears as he went ahead, pulling her in and hugging her closely. Once again, the little things made her feel like he was the right man for her. Thinking back to all the times she thought he was just weird for even wanting to be around, but now it was relatively clear to her why. He was the person she wanted to be with.

Thinking about the ring back at home pained her, knowing that five years was about to vanish instantly. Everything she worked for with Levi—was just ruined. She knew their relationship was one many didn't understand, given their age, but again, she couldn't see herself marrying him, not after Petra, the pregnancy, and everything else. He should have been honest from day one when he tried to win her back.

Embracing Eren, she smoothed his hair back, sighing deeply as even if she knew her heart was in a tug of war, perhaps it was best to wait everything out. See where all this takes her. One thing is for sure—she was definitely falling in love with Eren Jaeger. Her heart couldn't stay away from him anymore.


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