(TW- mild gore)

"MOVE!" Roman jerked as a hand suddenly grabbed his pulling him along and away from the demon that let out a grateful roar in response. The other Selen... Roman's eyes were wide in shock feeling the buzz like a burn in his palm at the man's touch. Being so close to them, Roman could feel a distinct difference him this man's buzz identifying him as a ghoul. This man was a ghoul... a monster... and yet... "Hunter!" Roman's eyes widened more as the ghoul looked back at him with such a pleading look in his dark ringed silver-grey eyes. "Run." Roman nodded, gripping the ghoul's hand tighter, almost in desperation, as the ghoul lead him further through town.

It was difficult for the two to traverse through the chaos. With Roman's mind so out of it, he kept tripping and stumbling over everything, while neither man seemed to be well versed on the area. The demon was relentless in its chase, throwing its body through literal buildings just to never lose them. Roman could feel as another buzz began to fill the air making him fall into a bunch of boxes. The ghoul was at his feet within seconds trying to help Roman up who honestly couldn't do much except stare at the ghoul in confusion. Why was this Selen... this monster helping him? Especially considering they were being hunted by a demon of all things.

"Hunter, please?!" The ghoul cried, as he literally yanked Roman to his feet obviously using his ghoul strength as humans would not have been able to do that.

"Where are you, you pathetic worm food? You're becoming a problem and I'm not very good at problem-solving." The demon giggled as it crawled up the side of the building beside them, somehow not spotting them. "I tend to just eat them."


"Right." Roman mumbled as he let the ghoul lead him away again. Roman didn't allow him a second to even think as the ghoul took him down this alleyway before he found himself shoved behind these barrels. Roman's eyes narrowed watching the ghoul kneel down next to him eying the beginning of the alley for any sign of the demon.

"I-It won't... won't matter." Roman choked out seeing the ghoul tense up at the sound of his voice. The ghoul slowly looked over at him as Roman's eyes grew darker realizing the situation he was in. He was sitting directly beside a monster, hiding from a demon, without any knowledge of where Remus was or if he was safe. "Demons can sense their prey."

"Shit." The ghoul clenched his fists before forcing himself to take a breath and look back out to keep watch, with a hoarse laugh. "Of course they do." Roman's eyes flashed red, sensing that third buzz get stronger, making him latch onto the familiarity of it instantly. It had to be Remus. "We need to figure out a way out of here." Roman's eyes narrowed as his hand slowly inched to his sword. As much as he knew Remus would bitch at him for it, this man was a monster. He was not safe as long as this ghoul was allowed to remain so close to him. Nor was Remus who by the feeling of things was getting closer by the second. Roman could not allow himself to be put in a situation where he was cornered by a ghoul AND a demon and surrounded by crazed and fearful humans. Taking one threat out now was the better option, and Roman knew that.

Roman took a deep breath as he managed to unlatch his sword, carefully pulling it out if the sheath as quietly as he could. Thankfully the ghoul was too distracted to even notice Roman have moved in the first place. Roman lined his blade, wanting to get it over with as quickly as he could, knowing his mental state was still too rocky to really do any hard fighting. He tightened his grip ready to strike, only for his eyes to latch onto the bracelet the ghoul had that just managed to peek through his jacket. Roman's spotted the lunaric runes recognizing the protection charm instantly and making him falter. His hand dropped to the ground, making his sword clink as it hit the dirt and pebbles, just as Remus started to reach him telepathically.

The ghoul jerked back with a worried look the second he heard the sword hitting the ground only to frown at how Roman just stared off at nothing in a daze. Roman did his best to respond to Remus who was clearly panicked himself, but it wasn't easy with him in the state that he was in.

"Hunter..." Roman's eyes slowly panned over the ghoul's seeing the concern as clear as day... but that was when he spotted that sick grin of the demon chasing him. He wasn't sure why he did it. He was on autopilot. His mind was completely shut down leaving only action and reaction. He grabbed the ghoul's hand and his sword and took off following the buzz that he knew had to be his brother. He could hear the demon's spastic and excited laughter as its claws dug into the building with every move it made, chasing down its prey with a bloodthirsty tension everyone could feel.

Roman didn't even register when he passed another alley branching off of the one they were in. He didn't register the face that was just there in that dark alley. He didn't register how the second he ran passed the person stepped out behind them, hands in their pocket. He didn't register anything, until a blast of electric magic exploded through the air just as the demon jumped at them, making vines break up through the dirt and trap the demon in its spot. Roman whipped around, eyes filled with fear as Remus stood there with glowing white eyes and toxic green hair, glowing tiny green orbs, or earth spirits, spilling around him in a frenzy.

"I may not agree with my brother's thought on Selen..." Remus spoke, making the air movement under the pressure of his magic alone. "However, he and I do see eye to one on this." Remus held his hand out as metal was literally being created out of thin air, twisting and molding until it formed a spiked ball mace, that Remus grabbed with a growl. "You demon scorned all deserve to die." Roman flinched as the sound of metal against bone, blood spattering around them, as he just squeezed the hand that was still in his grasp... his mind going black.

"Hunter..." The ghoul whispered as Roman seemed to curl up into himself. "Hunter..."

"Roman." The ghoul jumped, as Remus suddenly appeared beside him drenched in blood, only to stop and frown at how his brother held tight to the ghoul's hand. Remus just sighed as he tried to give the other a smile before gesturing to Roman. "It's ok. I've got him."

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