Heated Confession ~ 11

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Steve reads through the updated notes in the notepad that Wanda has meticulously written in. She has incorporated everything she witnessed within Eva's mind. Though it isn't much, the more information they have, the better. Sam embarks on a mission to locate Peter, while Tony exhausts all efforts to reach him from inside the compound. Natasha and Vision join the group, now fully briefed on the situation, which they've codenamed Operation Eva.

"So, Eva is Ultron?" Natasha questions, attempting to discern the exact nature of the threat they are facing.

"We don't know," Wanda begins to explain, but then recalls the lingering compulsion within her mind. Steve senses this pause and takes the lead, keeping his focus on the notes.

"Wanda caught a glimpse into her head; she saw Ultron. I mean, Ultron's mind, not Eva's," Steve explains, and Natasha furrows her brow in thought.

"Eva can manipulate minds?" Vision interjects, also seeking clarity on the unfolding situation.

"It seems to be the case. She told Wanda not to say a word to us, and then suddenly Wanda was not able to physically say a word," Steve elaborates, still engrossed in the notes.

"And Peter? How has he gotten involved in all this?" Natasha continues with the questions, but there isn't an immediate answer.

"Mind control," Wanda responds, offering a straightforward answer to Natasha's inquiry.

"So that would explain why Peter hasn't been able to give us thorough answers when it comes to his relationship with Evangeline. And why she has turned up out of nowhere these last few days," Vision continues to brainstorm, piecing together the puzzle slowly.

"We should all be out there looking for her," Steve suggests, reaching the end of the notes and glancing at the team. Tony returns to the conference room, putting his phone down after another unsuccessful attempt to contact Peter.

"If we didn't know what we were dealing with before, we certainly have no idea now, Rogers," Tony reminds him. The immediate priority is finding Peter, and then they can focus on locating Evangeline.

"Yes, and that is exactly why we need to find Eva, sooner rather than later, Stark," Steve scowls, unwilling to wait like sitting ducks. Tony, distracted, glances at his phone.

"Sam has gotten in touch with Peter; they are both on their way back... Parker has said that Eva told him she didn't want to be found," Tony reads from the text Wilson sent him. "Look, we need to sort out whatever she has done with Peter's mind first before anything else," Tony declares, reaching for the pot of decaf that is always ready-made on the side of the room.

"You want Wanda to reach inside Peter's mind?" Vision inquires, seeking confirmation of Tony's proposal to the others. Wanda's brows raise, but she refrains from saying anything. Tony swiftly fills the silence.

"Eva has clearly done a number on his head," he states, visibly irritated. Vision starts to defend Wanda, but she raises a hand to stop him.

"It's okay, I'll do it when Peter returns," she agrees, and Tony nods to her respectfully.

"Once we know what she has been doing when it comes to Parker, we will know what we are up against. Then we will find her," Tony finalizes, sipping the coffee from his mug. The group resumes small conversations about their plans for finding Eva and speculating on what she could be. Steve's cell vibrates, and he pulls it out to check the message. It's a text from an unknown number:

"Meet me at the Presbyterian. ASAP. Merci."


Steve arrives at the hospital mentioned in the mysterious text, donned in a hooded jacket to maintain a discreet appearance. Approximately thirty minutes earlier, he discreetly separated from the group, excusing himself with the pretext of running an errand. Though met with skepticism from his companions, they reluctantly allowed him to depart.

𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ~ Steve Rogers Where stories live. Discover now