Chapter 7 - The spring

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After the break was over she was happy to be reunited with Fred and George along with her other Slytherin friends. Ginny had given Blake the biggest hug when she got back, thanking her for the necklace.

The Weasleys talked about their Christmas and Blake was glad that they got to spend so much time with their older brothers. They also told her that their mum wanted to meet her and that Fred and George were more than welcome to bring her anytime they wanted.

How could a woman she had never met already be so kind to her? It amazed her in ways she could not even begin to describe. She hoped one day to be as kind and loving as Molly towards the people around her.

Their lives went on as usual after everyone had gotten back to school after the break. Blake went to classes, had DADA and Potions with the older students and kept getting picked on by Lucinda and Malcom's group. Luckily that didn't phase her, because she had friends that hated them just as much as she did and it was mostly something she just sniggered at because they were truly ridiculous.

Blake had even managed to sneak into a few of the Gryffindor parties that were held in their common room with some help from the Marauders Map to ensure she wasn't spotted by anyone. She even brought Alex on a few occasions who were the most cool with the twins and vise versa.

Sirius Black also broke into Hogwarts and everyone was really freaked out. They never got him and for most students life seemed to continue as usual. But she knew that wasn't the case for Harry who seemed to become more worried for each week that passed.

One of the best events during early spring though according to Blake was the Quidditch game between Gryffindor and Slytherin. George and Fred were beaters for Gryffindor and Kace was a chaser for Slytherin.

Blake mocked the twins the whole day after they had lost against Slytherin.

"They whooped your asses," she told Fred and George when she saw them after the game, which earned her a smack to the head from both of them.

"Don't worry though, you two are still my favorite beaters," she told them.

In the evening after the game there was a party in the Slytherin common room to celebrate their victory and the only thing she remembered when she started to get to the day after was that she and Chloe did shots in the beginning of the party.

Her head was killing her, vowing to never drink again. But also knowing that was a promise she would not keep.

She looked around as she woke up still dressed in the clothes she wore yesterday, but also seeing Alex laying next to her. What the hell was he doing here?

She grabbed a pillow and hit him with it which made him wake up with a start and a loud groan.

"Why did you wake me up?" He complained.

"Why are you in my bed?" She retorted.

He looked up at her sleepily. From the look he gave her she assumed he was feeling like crap as well. "Are you seriously telling me you don't remember?"

She started to get a bit freaked out now. "Remember what...?" Picturing the worst. The worst in this case being hooking up with Alex. Sure they had kissed on a party or two but she had no feelings for the guy and would never take it further than doing it on a dare.

"Well," he started, "you spent most of the night hooking up with that Ravenclaw boy you fancy in my year."

"Really?" Alex nodded his head. It's a bummer she didn't remember...

"Then you wanted to go with him and do Merlin knows what. Or, I guess we both know what, but you were so drunk you could barley stand up so I stopped you from going because if he did something you didn't want, let's just say you wouldn't have been able to push him off. I then had to carry you up to your bed, which you did not thank me for by the way, you were so pissed at me. Then I just stayed here so I could make sure you didn't do anything stupid."

Blake put her palms over her face, feeling so embarrassed. She peeked through her fingers and looked at Alex.

"Thank you," she got out.

"No problem," he assured her. "But, seeing as you are no longer a damsel in distress, I will go back to my dorm now."

She waved goodbye and fell back asleep.


Soon it was time for Spring break and students were going home for two weeks. Of course some stayed behind just like during Christmas. This break Blake was actually going home, knowing she wouldn't hear the end of it from her parents if she didn't.

Better to go home now so that the blow isn't so hard when she has to go home during summer. But that didn't stop the anxiety in her body and the fear she felt about going home.

A family is supposed to love each other and care for each other. Not be like hers. To Blake, Fred and George felt more like family than her biological one.

"So you're going back home during this break?" Fred asked her one afternoon when they were hanging out. It was now one week until Spring Break. 

"Yeah," Blake responded, not knowing what else to answer. She tried to hide any bad feelings she had about this subject, but it seemed like Fred and George saw some type of discomfort from her when they brought it up.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" George asked her, suspicious about her very short answer and the look on her face, that she was quick to cover up with a smile.

"Yeah, everything is fine," she told them and tried to change the subject after that, wanting to talk about something else, but she saw the looks Fred and George were giving each other. They tried to bring it up during the whole week before they were going home.

But Blake kept reassuring them that everything was fine, saying that nothing was wrong.


Blake was sitting with her Slytherin friends in a compartment, trying to not fidget with her nails because of her high anxiety level. She was good at hiding it though and no one seemed to notice that she was feeling a bit off and not participating as much in the conversations as she usually did.

At the station Mrs Weasley was standing and waiting for Fred, George and Ginny. Percy and Ron had chosen to stay at Hogwarts again. When she saw her sons and daughter she was quick to engulf them in big hugs.

"Is Blake with you? I would love to meet her!" Molly told her kids.

"She's just saying goodbye to some friends, but she was going to meet us and say goodbye here before she leaves," George told his mum.

A few moments later Blake had hugged her friends from Slytherin goodbye, and made her way through the crowds to try and find Fred, George and Ginny to say her goodbyes to them.

When she spotted them she saw that they were standing with a woman who also had red hair just like them. She knew instantly that it was their mother. Blake hadn't even talked to her yet, but could see from afar that she was a very kind woman.

"It is so lovely to meet you dear!" Molly exclaimed when Blake had approached them and was wrapping her in a tight hug.

"I have heard so much about you," Molly told her.

"I have heard a lot about you too Mrs Weasley, and it's very nice to finally meet you," Blake said. "I wish I could talk longer, but I'm in a bit of a hurry." She told her apologetically. Her mother was waiting for her and even though her mother wasn't a mean woman, she was also affected by Blake's fathers behavior and would not tolerate them being late.

"My kids will have to bring you home to us sometime dear, so that we can get to know each other," Mrs Weasley told Blake,

"I would love that Mrs Weasley." Then she turned to Fred, George and Ginny and hugged them goodbye for now.

Blake's anxiety levels spiked again when she made her way out of the station and saw her mom standing there.

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