Chapter 12 - Bill's weird behavior

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Blake had now been staying at the Burrow for two weeks. This meant that a week ago she turned 18 and could finally do magic whenever she wanted outside of school.

The only ones that knew it was her birthday were Fred and George, who she had asked to keep it quiet. She knew Molly would make a big deal out of her birthday and she didn't want her to fuss. She already had so much to think about with all these people at her house.

Blake worried the twins would pull a stunt and tell everyone, but was pleasantly surprised when the day went by and no one knew anything about it. She didn't want a big thing, she was just happy to be here with the Weasleys and that was enough of a present.

Even though no one knew it was her birthday, this was the best one she's had for years.

To everyone's surprise Blake got along really well with Bill, something no one had counted on because of the age difference. They had spent a lot of time together at the house. Mostly during the mornings, sitting down in the living room with a cup of tea and reading books the other one picked out for them and talking.

Right now she was reading 'to the lighthouse' and she had Bill read 'how to kill a mockingbird'.

She found Bill to be very kind and down to earth, but also very funny. They shared the same kind of humor and could often joke and tease one another.

Fred and George started to get a bit suspicious on the subject, wondering is she really did have 'the hots' as they put it, for their brother.

Blake of course answered no, and that she just thought Bill was cool.

Bill was eight years older, her best friends' brother. He would never in a million years go for her. He had his own life and lived in Egypt, meanwhile she was still at school.

But she couldn't help feeling butterflies in her stomach as soon as their gazes would meet. But of course she wouldn't act on those feelings because of everything that was stated above. Their lives were just too different.

Two days ago Harry had arrived. The Weasleys had gone to get him trying to use the Floo. Blake and Hermione didn't have time to stop them before it was too late. They knew they were going to have a laugh when they got back, knowing that muggles usually didn't have fireplaces big enough for humans.

Of course Fred and George had to trick Dudley and she's never seen Molly so angry. It was incredibly stupid even for them. Didn't they think about how this would affect Harry?

She was very happy to see Harry again though and felt bad for him that he too didn't have it easy at home.

Charlie had also arrived and came yesterday. He was really nice and also kind of good looking, which she told Ginny who made more gagging noises. He wasn't as good looking as Bill though, but she doubted anyone was.

To her, Bill was probably the most handsome man she had met but she didn't tell Ginny that, because she would probably puke for real.

Last night at dinner Mr Weasley had also told them all that they were going to the Quidditch World Cup that was in one week. Everyone was super excited, and Balke was very shocked that she too was invited. She wasn't even part of the family.

She felt a bit bad that they would pay for a ticket for her, but when Mr Weasley told her he got the tickets from work she felt a bit better.

It was now morning and they had all just finished eating breakfast.  Blake sat at the table playing wizards chess with Ron. He was a good player, but she still managed to beat him every time and they were now on their fifth round.

"Hmm, you shouldn't have moved that one," Blake heard Bill say from behind her as he watched Ron move his player.

"She will win now," Bill told Ron. And he was right, she would win in three moves.

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