Chapter 13 - Dewy meadows

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Blake woke up early the next morning with an annoyed feeling inside her whole body because of yesterday. She hadn't done anything wrong and if Bill was having some personal issues and wanted to be left alone he could just say so instead of being rude.

Fred and George were still sound asleep of course so as quietly as she could she got out of bed, grabbed her Potions book and a pencil and made her way downstairs. Normally she would grab a novel and sit down on the couch and wait and hope Bill would be up early, which he usually was so they could read together or just tall. But not today.

She didn't bother changing clothes, she was wearing her long silk black pajama pants and a black cropped t-shirt. She could just change later when everyone was up.

Blake went to the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea, talking a bit with Molly who was always up early as well. The sun had just risen and she could see that today was going to be a beautiful day.

It was beautiful here at the Burrow. They were surrounded by a green meadow that now shimmered with dew drops, a lot of trees, and flowers in different colors were growing around the house.

She decided that she would sit outside and read up on her school work instead of sitting inside. It was a bit chilly in the early morning so she would probably need a warmer shirt, but she didn't want to go up and risk waking Fred and George so she took a knitted light blue cardigan that was hanging in the hallway, knowing it belonged to Fred.

She walked over to a nearby tree and sat down by the trunk of it, placing her cup of tea beside her and leaned against the tree while opening her potions book.

A lot of directions for the potions in the books actually needed correction and she didn't know why they just couldn't write them correctly from the start, and save her the trouble of trying to figure out how to brew the potions perfectly.

Not long after she had sat down outside and started taking notes, Bill had woken up and made his way downstairs, expecting to see Blake in the living room with a book. But no one was in the living room. He felt bad about the way he acted yesterday and had hoped to find her in the morning and talk to her while everyone was asleep.

He knew he was childish yesterday and didn't have any right to be mad at her wether she had a boyfriend or not. Truthfully, he didn't even know why it bothered him so much if she did have a boyfriend.

He heard someone in the kitchen and hoped it was her making a cup of tea or eating breakfast, but to his disappointment it was his mother. "Morning mum," he said, while grabbing a cup to put his tea in.

"Blake is outside," Molly said, giving his son a knowing look, which he responded to with a confused look.

"I never asked?" Bill looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"I know you were wondering, and before you ask how I know, I'm your mum and you should know by now that I know everything, William Weasley." He hated when she used his full name, it always made him feel like he was in trouble.

"Well, I wasn't wondering," he lied. Molly just made a humming sound, not believing him. When he had made his tea he went to the front door to go outside and look for Blake. He hoped she wouldn't be too upset.

"Going outside?" He heard his mother call after him. He sighed loudly and rolled his eyes, opening the front door and stepping out into the beautiful summer morning.

Blake heard the front door open and glanced over there to see who it was, but quickly looked back down in her potions book when she saw it was Bill.

He wore sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt, hair tied up as usual, a cup in his hand and a book in the other. She could see from the corner of her eye that he walked towards her and came closer and closer, but she didn't look up. Not even when he was standing right beside her did she look up.

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