V. Chapter 13 - Party

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I hear the front door open. I move quickly into the hallway and see Becky, with her back to me, taking off her shoes. I press myself gently against her, kissing her. "Hey bb, what's up?". She turns around radiantly and kisses me. « I'm so glad the day is over ». Together, still embracing, we laugh our way to the sofa, like a dance, one step, two steps, we turn, we move forward, we move back, then we let ourselves fall while kissing tenderly. A few soft words, a few caresses.

I left her the key to my apartment. This way, she can use it when her parents allow her to sleep here, about 3-4 days a week. They don't know about our relationship and it's better this way for now. We used work as an excuse. We made them understand that with the new shooting schedule, the round trips would be tiring, and with my apartment being closer, it would be much easier for Becky to sleep here.

Becky had a shooting all day and since I wasn't working, I made dinner and set the table. Tomorrow she has to rest because she's leaving for Korea in two days for work. Domestic life with her isn't always easy. But I knew that. She doesn't know how to cook, she's not used to doing the housework or washing her clothes, but I know she's making an effort, she's learning for me. At least she's trying.


After dinner, we lie side by side on the sofa. I'm on my back, my head on the cushion. Becky hugs me on the side, with one arm on my belly and her head on my shoulder. Her eyes are closed. I caress her hand calmly. Her skin is so soft.

- Want to watch a movie tonight?
- I don't know, I'm a bit tired and I still have to revise my lessons.
- Oh, no problem!

She opens her eyes, raises her head a little and looks at me tenderly.

- Would you like us to do more things together?
- Uh, I don't know, what do you mean?
- I don't know, shopping, going to the restaurant, to a café, to an exhibition, for a bike ride, whatever you like?

I look at her a little surprised. She smiles slightly.

- I know it's not easy. There's always someone filming us or taking our picture, but maybe doing something where there's no one around, in the countryside or in a private restaurant maybe?
- I'd love to bb, you know that, but it's still too soon. The fans are getting used to the idea that we're not together - she laughs - and I don't want all the craziness to start again.

She lowers her head a little and plays with my fingers, which she finally intertwines. Our hands are so different. Her fingers are long, slender and muscular, while mine are plump and a little smaller. I love her fingers, they're beautiful. I like to feel them on my skin, I like to see them working, holding me, I like to feel them inside me. I curl my fingers against hers and squeeze. I can see something is bothering her. Her eyebrows are furrowed and her smile is a little sad. What's on your mind, Bec?

- Would you tell me if you were bored with me? She says softly.

Oh Bec! I loosen my hand from hers and place it on her cheek, looking deeply into her eyes.

- Why do you ask?
- Because... I know I'm younger, I don't have much life experience and you like to do lots of things. You have lots of friends, you go out and...
- Bec, listen to me! Being like this with you is a dream for me. To be able to do this everyday, this married life with you is incredible. It's the first time I've shared so much with someone - I smirk - By the way, I've got something to show you!

I get up from the couch and head for the bedroom. "Follow me!". Becky follows me wordlessly, curious. I open the dressing room door. This afternoon I've made room for her to put her things so she doesn't have to bring a bag every time, until I come up with a better solution. I look at her shyly. "I've made room for you." I see her smile grow. So in love. "Thank you baby, thank you!". She puts her hands around my neck and holds me tight. She gently pushes me onto the bed and climbs on top of me to kiss me.

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