06. celebrity crushes

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celebrity crushes

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celebrity crushes

! youtube !

"Hey, I'm Tom Holland and you're watching my Wired autocomplete interview." Tom exclaimed as he looked into the camera, thanking the member of the backstage team as they handed him the google card.

The man was incredibly nervous, he knew there was going to be some questions on this card that he didn't want to answer and he would have to, but he knew somehow he could twist it.

"Right, this is quite intimidating." Tom laughed as he turned the card towards him.

When did Tom Holland become famous?

Tom couldn't pin point a specific moment when he became so well known, he had acted a lot when he was younger, being in plays such as 'Billy Elliot', but he didn't truly gain recognition until Spider-Man.

"Well, I can't exactly remember a specific moment when I became famous, I did act a lot when I was younger, doing some dancing and singing here and there. But I guess.. I was first recognised when I did the first spider-man, which I'm forever grateful for. I genuinely can't believe this is my life." Tom nodded.

How old is Tom Holland?

"I guess I should have been expecting this." Tom laughed nervously. "I am twenty-seven years young. Three years until the big thirty."

What is Tom Hollands favourite song?

Tom laughed nervously as he read aloud the question, one person had come into mind immediately and he began to flush at the thought of the petite blonde singer. He began to wonder if it would be embarrassing to announce to the world that his favourite singer is Aaralyn.

"I am definitely going to get teased about this by Zendaya... my favourite song would have to be Skin by Aaralyn Melody." Tom sheepishly told them, causing some people in front of him to laugh.

"Can you sing a few of the words for us?" The producer voiced from behind the camera, laughing slightly at Toms shocked face.

"Awh you guys are having me on." Tom laughed. "I'm definitely going to get harassed for this now. Fine, okay." Tom cleared his throat as he began to poorly sing, not really trying. "The truth is whatever you decide, some people will believe it, and some will read in between the lines, you're putting me in the spotlight, but I've been under it all my life, said all my life."

The people backstage could be heard laughing as Tom just shook his head with a smile on his face, he had been outed now, everyone knew his favourite song was one of the girl he had been crushing on for a few weeks now.

"Anyways." Tom rolled his eyes playfully. "Let's get back to these questions, hopefully they won't ruin my life anymore."

Who is Tom Hollands celebrity crush?

"I stand uncorrected." Tom groaned. "I guess I have to tell you aswell."

Tom looked to the producer, seeing him nod. Tom looked down to his lap in defeat, before finally releasing he had nothing to be ashamed about. His celebrity crush was the most beautiful woman he had ever conversed with and seen, he was proud.

"You know what?" Tom voiced confidently, grabbing the card and throwing it to the side, looking straight into the camera. "Aaralyn Melody is my celebrity crush, and I'll say that confidently."

Tom knew that there media were going to go crazy for this video as soon as it would come out. Hopefully it wouldn't stir up his or the blondes life up too much, that's not what he wanted.

"Well, I guess that's all we have time for today." Tom clapped his hands. "Thank you for watching me ruin my life, I'll catch you all later.

! Messages !

K.C undercover🕵️ | pissy pants parker

C undercover🕵️ | pissy pants parker

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K.C undercover🕵️‍♀️
read 14:54

! crystal speaks !

this was a short chapter so hope you guys enjoyed!

• would you like me to do a discography with all of Aaralyns song's?

• would you like me to do a discography with all of Aaralyns song's?

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