XIV 🌲 Daphne ACTUALLY Goes Home

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chapter XIV

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chapter XIV

🌷 Daphne didn't want to interrupt Percy and his mom's reunion. She told him she'd stand outside of their apartment and wait for a few minutes before knocking on the door and coming up to join them. Her wrist was still aching. She wondered if his mom had a plaster for her, or something.

Nerves were gracing her blood. She hadn't met one of her friends parents before, and she didn't know how to make a good impression. She also realized that Percy was the first one of her friends to actually have a good relationship with his mom, so she really couldn't mess this up.

Daphnes perception of time was too off for her to be certain that enough time had passed when she started climbing the old stairs of their apartment complex, heading over to the door and rapping loudly on it.

No answer. Daphne frowned with worry, her nerves being shot since Olympus. She knocked again, louder and more urgently until -

It swung open. Behind the door was certainly not Percy or his mom - it was a slimy looking guy who regarded Daphne with an air of disgust. "What the hell do you want, kid?" in all his ugly glory stood Gabe Ugliano. "I'm not looking to buy any cookies-"

"I'm Percy's friend." she blinked at him. "Just, uh, came to get him."

Gabes face turned an ugly shade of purple at her daring. "Wh- you - he hasn't been home for a month. Now go-"

Daphne glimpse behind him into the apartment. Garbage was ankle deep on the carpet and the sofa had been reupholstered in beer cans. Dirty socks and underwear hung off the lampshades, and something told Daphne that this wasn't what their home usually looked like. It was probably a result of his gross stepfather having the house to himself.

In the middle of the living room was an obnoxious poker table where three of his big, goony friends were too busy gambling to notice her.

Percy and his mother came out of where she assumed his bedroom was. She was a kind looking woman, but was obviously very beautiful beneath age lines and tired bags beneath her eyes. She smelled like peppermints and candy.

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