Chapter 7

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(Y'all SHULD listen to the song while reading this ykyk 🥹 it's my fav)

I open my eyes, and see jakes face scanning mine. "Good morning, beautiful." He giggles. I smile and kiss his lips. "Morning." I yawn. "Get up. Pleasee. I wanna bring you somewhere." He says. "Mm okay. ." I sigh. "Wanna shower with me?" He asks. I nod. We go into the bathroom and hop into the shower.
"Johnnie., your so pretty." He whispers in my ear. I look up at him and blush. The water dropping onto his hair and onto his face makes him look so hot.
We are getting dressed. I put on a pair of baggy jeans, and a Rob Zombie shirt. Then I do my makeup, which is just some simple black eyeshadow and black eyeliner, and a little bit of concealer under my eyes. Jake walks into my room. "Where are we going?" I ask. "I don't know.. maybe the beach?" He says, uncertain. "Why so romantic?" I laugh. "Cause it's special. I wanna hang out with you, pretty boy." He tells me, causing me to blush at his choice of words. "Aww.." I giggle. "You ready?"  He asks. I nod.
We are at the beach, walking around, and being weird laughing at random shit. Honestly, I think I love him. At first it started out as a simple crush. And now, I think I'm actually in love. I've never felt this good about anyone in my life. "Wanna go get something to eat? Maybe a restaurant?" He asks. I nod.
We are at a restaurant. I don't even know what it's called. We order our food. Jake is sitting across from me, and is looking at me. The restaurant is out on the pier, so you can see the ocean. "Johnnie?" Jake says. I look at him. "Yeah?" I ask. "We're gonna be here for a while. Like.. at the beach.. probably until like.. 1am or something. And it's gonna take us a bit to get home." He explains. "Okay?" I murmur.

Our food arrives, and the person sits it down, then walks away. "That looks kinda good. Can I try some?" Jake asks, pointing at my plate of chicken alfredo. I nod. He gets his fork, gets some food frm my plate, and takes a bite out of it. "It's good." He says. I smile, and start eating. He starts eating too. Man. He's so pretty. I wish I could tell him how I feel. But I don't know how. What if he rejects me and calls me weird? I love him so much but he might not even like me back. He's so fine. I don't know why but I'm obsessed. I shouldn't be, but he's just so beautiful. I can't resist. "Johnnie.. you good?" Jake asks. I smile and nod. "Johnnie you can tell me anything." He reminds me. "Yeah, I know." I say. he nods. I shake my leg, and continue eating.

We finish eating. "Wanna go walk around?" He asks. I nod. We go, and start to walk on the beach. "Its pretty here." I murmur. He nods. I don't know why I feel this way, but I feel like something's bothering him. Like he's struggling a bit. Wanna sit?" He asks. I nod. We sit on a bench and look at the ocean. It's dark out right now, and is probably like 9pm right now. I feel Jake looking at me. "Johnnie?" He sighs, and and gulps before he said it. "Yea?" I ask. "Um.. can I tell you something?" He asks. "Yeah. Anything." I say, "Johnnie.. I um.. I kinda.. I love you." He blurts out. I look at him, "I love you too." I say. "Can you like.. be mine?" He asks. "Yes. I will." I giggle, and hug him, then let go. "Wanna do something.. later?" He winks. "Ummm not tonight. Maybe tomorrow." I tell him. He nods. We walk around for some more.

We ended up going home because there was nothing to do. We are my bed, watching TikTok. "Um Johnnie?" Jake says. "Yes?" I say. "Um.. tomorrow there's like.. a video Sam and Colby want us to do. Um.. it's.. they said their going to a haunted place. It's called like.. Queen Mary. We've been there in like 1 video.. I've been there with them. And uhh they were wondering if we wanted to go." Jake explains. "Oh. That sounds cool. Yeah. We can go." I tell him. "Johnnie.. the thing is.. I don't wanna go. I wanna spend time with you. Alone." He sighs, quickly. "You just did. N I kinda wanna go." I mumble. "Fine. But only because I love you. They said we are staying like.. maybe 1 night I guess? I don't know they always end up leaving earlier in some of the videos." He giggles. I smile. "Okay. Um.. imma like.. go to sleep." I say, "oh ok. goodnight." He murmurs. "Night." I yawn. He gets up and goes to open the door. "Jake stay.. in here. Please." I say, quickly. He smiles, and gets back in bed. "Goodnight. I love you." He whispers in my ear. "I love you too." I smile. I close my eyes. Jake slithers his arm around my waist. I turn towards him and kiss him. He kisses me back. "Love you." I say. "Love you too." He giggles. Jake starts cuddling with me. I smile and feel sleep trying to take over, so I let it.


Sessions (Jake Webber + Johnnie guilbert)Where stories live. Discover now