Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning and rolled over, which turned out to be a mistake because Dianna had been lying there next to me, 'oop's my bad' I sniggered quickly jumping out of bed before Dianna could take out her vengeance on my feet, I could feel her trying to find my feet under the covers. I grabbed her with the cover and picked her up.

"Ha, you little devil, got you now" I rubbed her stomach gently then put her back down on my bed and went for a shower. Considering I was up till 1.30 I didn't look that bad. My lips where a bit swollen, from Gregory's kissing, I was glad nobody was around, because at the moment my face had turned a rather unattractive bright red, I decided to dry my hair with the hair dryer today, and put it up in a ponytail I knew I was going to be stuck inside, probably helping Mum with the house work so I just opted to wear grey jogging bottoms and an short sleeved electric blue top, I looked at my clock it was 8.40 I groaned, on a Saturday as well 'Damm, Miss Pots could at least of kept her mouth shut till Monday.'

"Liz!" Mum called outside the door


Mum walked into my room.

"I was thinking of cleaning the basement today"


"Why?" I asked as I sat down to put my socks on.

"Well I just thought it would be good to sort through the things down there, in case I might have missed something

"Like what?" I scoffed getting up "Not like you too miss anything."

Mum rolled her eyes at me.

"Still it's best to have a look" Mum looked outside frowning slightly "I'm hoping that if I get it done quick enough I can do some of the garden."

I smirked inwardly 'The exact opening I needed' I thought

"It's ok Mum I said quickly "I'll do it" I said smiling

Mum looked at me surprised

"The garden?"

"No" I laughed, I meant the basement"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah its fine, I'll be quicker than you anyway" I joked "Plus while I'm doing the celler you can be doing the Garden, which is what you want to do right?"

"Ok" Mum said smiling gratefully at me, "Well you know the drill put all the rubbish in bin bags and repack all the stuff you don't wont upstairs, most of it is your dad's old golf magazines anyway."

"Ok" I said "I'll just get some breakfast and I'll go down"

"I'd usually get Tony to help you, but he decided to go to work with your dad, it's nice that he's taking an interest isn't it"

"Hmm," I said walking past, Mum grabbed hold of my arm and looked at me closely

"You look different"

"Oh" I said mildly and went to walk forward again, she let go of my arm and started to walk downstairs beside me.

"You look happier" which was soon followed by "Do you have a boyfriend?"

I paused half way into the kitchen.

"Erm" I started walking again 'Well he is kinda classed as a boyfriend even if (Technology) he isn't a boy' I thought "Yeah I suppose you could say that"

"Who is he?" Mum demanded "And why haven't I ever met him?"

"Well he's..." I paused debating about what to tell her "Well he's Rudolph's older brother" I said lowering my voice slightly Don't get me wrong I wasn't worried about what Gregory thought of me calling him that, his family though was a different matter.

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