Chapter 7

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I turned over the page eagerly, only to find there wasn't another entry. I sighed disappointed. That must have been his last one. 'Well obviously' I thought shaking my head in exasperation.

"Liz!" Mum called from upstairs.

"Yeah?" I shouted

"Where going to the market if you want to come."

"Yeah, I'm coming" I called sliding off the basket. Since we come back from the cliff my punishment off being grounded had gone out the window, mainly because both me and Tony where to depressed to do anything anyway. I picked up the diary debating wherever to leave it down here or take it upstairs with me 'well' I reasoned 'there was no point me leaving it down here I might as well take it upstairs.' I rolled my eye at my dumbness and picked up the note and clutching the book tightly in my hand walked back upstairs.

"Are you ready to go sweet heart?" Mum asked as I closed the cellar door

"Yeah, I'll just be a minute I need to put something upstairs" I said walking quickly to the stairs. I quickly put the diary into my room and shut the door behind me, meeting Tony on the landing.

"Hey tone."

"Hey Liz" Tony said gloomily.

I sighed at my little brother as we walked down the stairs.

"Do I have to go to town?" Whined Tony

"Yes!" Me, Mum and Dad said


"Because it'll do you good" Mum said

"Because, it's funny hearing you whine" I smirked

Tony scowled at me so I grinned widely at him as we got into the car, we drove there in silence.

"Mum, is it ok if I go off on my own for a while, I need some new batteries for my camera, and there's this book store I haven't been in yet."

"Ok, you got your phone?" Mum asked as Dad stopped and parked the car

"Yeah" I said getting out of the car.

"We'll be in the market." Mum said

"Right, see you later" I said and walked down the road. I visited the book shop first, it was a fairly small shop, tall book shelves where lined up against the walls, there was a small wood fire in the corner, with red leather chairs surrounding it, the smell of books and wood surrounded the shop I loved it immediately; I looked around for a while, smiling at the tall old man behind the desk, as I walked past, exploring the shop, I grinned when I found some of my favourite books , Only to then have to pull myself away, to the photographic shop, It was vastly different from the book store, the whole shop was painted white with grey flooring there was a mineral on the back wall behind the counter of a white flower, silver shelves took up the rest of the walls I looked around for the battery's I needed, Giving a small Ha when I found them, I walked up to the counter and waited to pay for them.

"Did you hear about the new family that are moving into that yellow house near the market?" Amanda asked me.

She owns the shop, and is the towns match maker; she always says it brings more money in, because people pay for her to take pictures at weddings, I think it's because she likes eating the cake AT the weddings. I smiled at her warmly

"No, I haven't" I confessed, "any wedding contenders?"

"No", the parents are already married" Amanda said sadly "Saying that the oldest is a handsome one."

I laughed thanking her for the battery's, I walked over to the door, putting the battery's in my bag, only to have the door slammed into my face, I looked up from the floor, rubbing my head. And sighed when I saw who it was.

"Why is it whenever we meet, I always end up on the floor?" I asked looking at the boy above me, he had short hair and was wearing a black t shirt and had a black collar around his neck.

"Maybe the worlds hinting at something" He said grinning.

"Oh yeah," I said raising my eyebrows.

"Hmm," he said "I think I'm in the wrong place" he pondered then got onto the floor next to me. Wrapping me in his arms and pulling me against his chest.

"We can't sit here all day you know, we'll be in the way." I giggled

"So?" Gregory huffed getting up then helping me up off the floor.

"Are you ok? Sorry about your head." Said Gregory trying not to smile

"Shut up." I said picking my bag up off the floor

"What? I said I was sorry!" sniggered Gregory

"Oh yeah, course you are your, face says it all" I said walking out the door. Ignoring Amanda's giggling in the background. We got half way down the street before Gregory turned me round to face him and kissed me gently, I wrapped my arms around his neck, my god I'd missed him and I pulled him closer deepening the kiss.

"Ehh" said two voices from behind us, I pulled away to see Rudolph and Tony looking at us Rudolph pretending to puck. Anna was just behind, going on about true love and first kisses or something. I pulled myself fully away from Gregory and tried and probably failed miserably to stop the blush spreading across my face, I felt Gregory wrap his arms around me.

"What are you midgets looking at?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Nothing" said Tony sniggering as he turned away

"It's just are you supposed to try and eat Liz's face like that?" asked Rudolph with false innocence.

"Get here you little..." Gregory shouted lunging forward to try and grab him; Rudolph laughed and ran away followed closely by Gregory. I rolled my eyes and followed them at a slower pace. My smile widened when I saw Tony 'accidently' trip Gregory up. Anna came to stand next to me,



Are you glad you met us?" asked Anna, I looked at Tony, who was trying to rescue Rudolph from Gregory, who was dangling him upside down. I grinned.

"Yes, Yes I am very glad."

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