XVI 🏛️ Camp Half-Blood

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chapter XVI

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chapter XVI

🌷  "No, I like it. It's... cosy." Daphne blinked, looking at Cabin 11. It was where Luke had been living for the better half of his life, and Daphne couldn't see why he hadn't snapped and left camp already. It was cramped with all sorts of bunks, obviously not enough to around since there were all sorts of sleeping bags unrolled onto the floor for the unclaimed campers.

"You get used to it." Luke said sheepishly. "Sorry to do this , but uh..." he pointed over to one of the only blank spots on the floor, wedged between the wall corners. "Unclaimed campers usually get the worst spots."

She stared at the wedge of flooring. So this was going to be her home for ... well, probably forever.

Don't get Daphne wrong! She loved the camp. It was everything she could've dreamed of. But she'd been sleeping on the floor for years, so she also dreamed of pillows. She just wished that her mom would claim her as soon as possible.

"It's okay," she tried to smile, if not to comfort herself than to comfort him. "The only thing I really have to my name is my knife and my - wait hey, where did it go?"

Daphne looked at her wrist where her blue ribbon had been tied.

Something like a smile glinted over his lips. "Hey, cabin of thieves as well as travellers. You gotta keep an eye on your stuff."

She looked up at him in confusion. "But I just walked through the door. Like, a minute ago, three at best."

"C'mon, whoever took it, give it up Cabin 11!" he turned and yelled out to the bustle of campers who were there. A few of them smirked and snickered at her, but most others ignored them like this was an everyday occurrence.

The only person who came forward was a tall boy, with curly dark hair and shiny blue eyes. They glinted with the same mischief than many in the cabin shared, enough so to make Daphne pat her shorts pocket as though she was trying to protect him from stealing her wallet (which she didn't even own). "What're you looking for, Lukie?" he teased his half-brother.

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