Chapter Five

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Shanks let out a content sigh as he entered the cabin. On the east wall was a warm fireplace, fire crackling softly. There was a red oriental rug on the living room floor. The kitchen was furnished with an oven, fridge, microwave, and a freezer. Down the fall from the kitchen were three doors. Two doors opened to bedrooms, and one was a bathroom. The living room had the fireplace, a love seat, a recliner, and a three person couch. In the center was a coffee table. A red headed woman sat in the middle of the couch, smiling warmly at Shanks. She had a creamed colored dress on with a comfy golden fleece sweater.

"I've been waiting for you, little one," the woman told Shanks. "Please, have a seat and relax. No one will hurt you while you are here." She gestured to the love seat. "Would you like anything warm to drink?"

"Umm," Shanks blinked at the woman and sat on the love seat. He looked at the woman's kind smile and thought about her offer. "Do you have alcohol?" he joked, cracking a smile.

The woman sighed, a smile never leaving her face. "Unfortunately I don't have straight alcohol, but I do have spiked cider, warm coffee, water, or anything else. I'm not a big drinker," the woman listed, thinking for a moment before getting up and walking to the kitchen.

Shanks wanted her every movement, torn between wanting to give in and relax and staying alert and suspicious. "Water is fine," Shanks said to her. He wanted to stay sober while on the island as he didn't know what could happen. With his Haki blocked, he would need his mind sharp and alert.

The woman chuckled and came back with two glasses of water. She set one down in front of Shanks and held the other, taking a sip from it. "It's not poisoned," she explained. "I have no reason to cause you or your friends harm." She sat back down on the couch, green eyes locked onto Shanks. "I am to assume you have questions, no?"

Shanks thought it would be rude to not take a sip of water so he drank some of the water. Surprised, he took another sip. "This is the best water I've ever tasted," he breathed in awe. He looked at the sink and back to the woman. "I do," he set down his glass. "Starting with who are you and where are we?"

"Good questions, Little one," the woman mused. She set down her glass and smiled. "My name is Alexstia, and you are on the island of Arcaidium. An island that was once a peaceful, united homefront for an ancient people long forgotten and long gone." Her smile faded to a sorrowful frown.

Shanks could feel the warm aura around him turn cold for a moment. "Why have I never heard of this island? It's not on any charts or maps I've seen and my former captain found Laughtale," Shanks pointed out, not quite believing this woman. He narrowed his eyes at her. "Where is my crew? Where are their crews?" he jerked his head toward the window where the three supernova captains could be seen in a petty argument.

Alexstia could feel Shanks's distrust and unease. She felt pity for him. "Alas, you people like to cover things up that you find uncomfortable and don't like. I wish I could tell you more, but it is not a god's place to interfere with Fate." She turned her head, glancing out the window to look at Law, Luffy, and Bonney. Her gaze focused on Luffy. "For years, things have been hidden, but soon, everything will be revealed."

Shanks grit his teeth. He didn't like her focus on Luffy. She may seem kind, but Shanks knew looks were deceiving. "That doesn't answer my question! Where are our crews? What the hell do you mean by gods interfering with Fate?"

Alexstia slyly smiled, eyes shining with mischief and amusement. "You'll soon find out, Akagami no Shanks," she laughed softly. She stood up and went to the front door, opening it. "You and your friends are always welcome in this temple. If you need a safe place to rest and hide, my door is always open."

"Wait! Where are you going!? You hurt my family and I'll–" Shanks jumped up and chased the woman out the front door. By the time he stumbled out onto the porch, Alexstia was gone. His eyes widened as he took in the lake. The water in front of the cabin was tinted a fiery orange. Surrounding the lake were thirteen temples, all having different shapes and looks. Three other temples were next to the cabin. On the south side of the lake was a giant marble temple that took up the majority of the south shore. The north and west had four temples each.

"What the–" Shanks breathed when he heard three sets of footsteps running down the wooden porch. He turned and saw Luffy, Law, and Bonney. "Everything is fine. The safe. It's empty, but has provisions in case we need to lay low." He wasn't sure if he should say anything about Alexstia just yet.

"FOOD?" Luffy and Bonney grinned, drooling at the thought of eating something. Law raised an eyebrow, almost sensing that Shanks was keeping something hidden. However, the surgeon didn't say anything, opting to just keep an eye on the Yonko. "Let's eat!" Luffy shouted, voice echoing across the lake.

Shanks rolled her eyes and laughed. He turned to go back inside when he saw a glint of light from the marble temple. He paused and squinted, focusing on the glint. "Shh," he hissed at the three supernovas. Luffy frowned and tilted his head, following Shanks' gaze. Shanks listened intently and Luffy's frown turned to a giant smile.

"ZORO!" Luffy shouted with glee, voice echoing even further. He recognized the glint from Zoro's swords. Luffy readied his arm and threw a gum gum pistol to grab Zoro's shoulder and yanked Zoro back.

"No, no, NO! LUFFY!" Zoro yelled as he went flying across the lake, slamming into Luffy and through the front door. He grunted and groaned as he got off Luffy. "I...I am going to kill you." he groaned, coughing. Zoro got to his feet and looked around the cabin. "Find anything useful?" he asked Luffy, ignoring Law, Bonney, and Shanks.

"Are you serious?" Bonney groaned, eye twitching. "What is wrong with you?"

"Don't ask," Law shrugged, putting a hand on Bonney's shoulder. "Mugiwara-ya and Zoro-ya are simply a different kind of person. They do whatever they want and somehow survive."

Shanks took a deep breath. "Zoro, do you know how you got here?" he asked the swordsman.

Zoro looked at Shanks and instinctively reached for a sword. "I don't. I woke up here with Nami and Robin. We were in that marble temple because Robin wanted to know the history or whatever those engravings were. We didn't know there were others here." He nodded toward Law and Bonney.

"So, no one else from the crew," Luffy frowned. Zoro shook his head. Law glanced at Shanks who clenched his jaw. Bonney picked up on the tension as well and hesitantly stepped back. "I'm sure they're fine!" he grinned. "I know they'll be okay."

Shanks opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. He had to trust Luffy trusted his crew enough to know they were safe. He shivered as he felt something was wrong. He only had more and more questions. He glanced back at the marble temple where Nami and Robin were.


Shanks's eyes widened and he winced, putting a hand on his head as a sharp pain flared. He gasped in horror and tried to come to terms with what he just saw. Why was his Observation Haki acting up now? He tried to look out with Observation Haki and nothing came up. No Haki flared.

"What the hell is going on here?" Shanks murmured to himself. 

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