Chapter Eight

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Shanks tried to speak, but his voice got caught in his throat. It was as if someone was holding his voice back, squeezing his vocal cords shut. He tried to talk about the Haki and visions, but all that came out was a choked gasp. He swallowed and tried to say something else. "What does this ritual do, Robin?" he asked, eyes widening that he was able to ask that.

Robin looked at him, eyes full of worry. "It..." her voice got choked up, just like how Shanks' voice did moments earlier. "" she choked. "I can't say. Something or someone is actively stopping me," the woman realized. She looked back at the engraving, tracing the shapes of a shadow creature. "Oh no," she whispered.

"Oh no, what?" Zoro grunted, gripping Wado Ichimonji while Law moved Kikoku, grabbing the hilt. "Robin, what's wrong?" Law asked, voice low, eyes alert.

"I know too much. Shanks knows too much. Buggy and Chopper know too much," Robin whispered frantically. "We need a place to hide. Now! A place that's safe!" She grabbed Nami's bag and shoved all of the maps and pencils inside. "Hurry!" she yelled.

"The cabin. She said it was safe," Shanks said, pointing toward Alexstia's cabin on the east side of the island.

"She?" Buggy raised an eyebrow. "Typical Shanks, hiding important information," he snapped.

"The woman in the cabin. Her name is Alexstia and she said it was safe," Shanks snapped, glaring at Buggy. His gaze focused on Robin. "Will that be a good place to go? You read what's on the walls."

Robin firmly nodded. "Alexstia's cabin is good. We must hurry. Those cre–" The archeologist was cut off by a screeching roar that echoed through the temple. By the door was a creature made out of shadows and bone-like armor. Its teeth were sharp and jagged, stained by blood. Its claws were long and horrid. It had black inky pools for eyes, his body radiating shadowy wisps. Bone covered its face, chest, and body.

"The hell is that?" Bonney screamed, stumbling away from the door. Luffy got into a defensive stance along with Zoro and Law. Nami gripped her staff, swallowing nervously. Chopper screamed and hid in Robin's legs. Buggy's jaw dropped, eyes bulging.

"That is what is going to kill us if we don't get to that cabin!" Robin snapped, eyes narrowed. "It's meant to kill those who know too much. ZORO WAIT!" Robin cried as Zoro lunged at the creature.

Zoro's swords did nothing to damage the creature, slicing through it like butter, only to do no damage whatsoever. Zoro's eye widened and he was thrown back by the creature, head hitting a marble column followed by his back hitting the marble. Zoro could feel something sticky run down his temple. Blood.

"ZORO!" Luffy cried out, eyes widened. "Now you've done it," he growled at the creature.

"Anchor, no!" Shanks yelled out, grabbing Luffy's wrist. "We need to run. Not fight whatever that is."

Luffy grunted and glared at Shanks. "That thing hurt Zoro and is going to kill Robin and Chopper!" he yelled at Shanks. "I won't let that happen!"

"When we get to the cabin, they will be safe," Shanks urged as the creature lunged at Chopper, only to be teleported away by Law's devil fruit. "Come on, Luffy!"

Luffy scowled but ran with Shanks, Buggy, and Robin. Nami and Chopper were just ahead of the trio. Law, Zoro, and Bonney held up the back, defending against the creature. The creature roared and gave chase, breaking branches.

"Run!" A katana sliced through the creature, killing it. The creature howled in pain and dropped dead, bleeding ink into the ground, the bone turning to a white powder. A woman with black hair and crimson eyes yanked the sword from the ink. "We'll hold them off until you get to Alex's cabin!" she said, smirking. She pulled up her red face mask and twirled her katana as more creatures ran out from the forest.

Zoro and Law shared a glance but ran. They'd trust this newcomer for now. Especially since her sword actually dealt damage. The woman let out a war cry and lunged at the creatures head on. She was vastly outnumbered, but that didn't stop her from cutting, slashing, and stabbing through shadow, bone, and ink.

"Keep moving!" A second voice rang out as the creatures attempting to block the group off from the cabin were shot down. A woman with white hair and white eyes stabbed her bident into the side of a slithering creature. Her white wings flared defensively. "I got these beasts," she cracked her knuckles, smirking confidently.

"Who?" Nami gaped, shaking her head. "Get to the cabin!" She reminded herself, using her staff to create small bolts of lightning.

The white winged woman threw her bident into a creature's side, lunging for her weapon, twirling it in the air. She cleared a path to the cabin, laughing with glee, slaughtering monster after monster. The woman flew into the air, raining down different feathered projectiles. Each projectile pierced bone and ink.

"Just a little further!" Buggy cried out, running as fast as he could, hands detached and carrying Chopper and grabbing onto Shanks' collar. The cabin was in sight, warm candle light lighting up the windows, smoke coming from the chimney.

"Come on, come on," Shanks muttered, looking back to see Bonney, Law, and Zoro running as fast as they could. The blood on Zoro's head was beginning to dry. Nami, Luffy, and Robin ran just ahead of Shanks. The cabin was just one hundred feet away.

All around them the sounds of yapping, snarling, and roaring echoed out. It sounded horrible, like a pack of rabid animals all fighting each other. Sometimes a mournful howl would echo out, signaling the two women had killed another beast.

Shanks jumped onto the porch and reached for the door handle, paling as it was locked. "Hey!" he pounded on the door with his hand. "Let us in! You said it was safe and I was welcome!" he yelled, pounding on the door.

"It's locked!?" Nami shrieked in fear, body shaking. "We're gonna die..." she muttered helplessly.

Shanks scowled, eyes flashing dangerously. "No, you're not," he growled. "I'll kick down the door if I have to, but we are getting in!" He took a step back, ready to kick in the door.

"Hey, now buddy!" A masculine voice laughed out, unlocking the door and opening it. A man with rose pink hair, a charming smile, and mischievous purple eyes laughed childishly. "No need to get aggressive. Come on in." He swung open the door as wide as it could go and gestured for them to come inside. "We wouldn't want you to be eaten alive by those creatures now, would we?" He smiled with all teeth, not at all sounding apologetic or sympathetic. 

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