Chapter 2

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   It's been some time now since my dream and talking to daenerys

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It's been some time now since my dream and talking to daenerys. Tonight would be the ritual where i'm told she must eat an entire horse heart, how she'll keep it down i do not know. It's the middle of the day and i've decided to walk around the dothraki camp, having on the gift dany gave to me.

As i continue my walk i see jorah conversing with one of the dothraki's cleaning his sword. I need to need be on better terms with others here, so after looking in their direction for a bit i decide to walk over. "mind if i join you?" i ask after walking up to the two men both looking up and receiving an odd look from both before the dothraki gets up and leaves completely. I just let out a sigh before looking back at jorah who just nods his head to the log sitting across from him. Taking the invitation i sit down and neither of us speak, he continues cleaning his sword while i scan my eyes at the environment around me. "Was there something you needed your grace?" jorah asks monotonously not looking up from his sword. "You don't have to call me your grace" i say turning my eyes towards him.

I can tell he's confused which is understandable i mean it was just a day ago i was making everyone call me your grace and acting like i was above everyone here.

"you can just call me by my name i am no king yet." I said and i can tell this REALLY shocked him "if you wish...viserys" jorah says before standing up and starting to walk away but i stand up quickly and follow him. "Was there something else?" he says stopping turning to face me, "well..yes i wanted to ask you if you would train me with the sword, i mean i carry one around but i barely know how to use it." i ask him gripping the handle of said sword that rests on my hip. "Why?" is all he asks, "well what would be the point of me carrying one around and it would be wise to know how to protect myself and daenerys if need be." I can tell he was thinking it over looking me up and down then letting out a breath "we can start tomorrow when the sun begins to rise." he says and that makes me crack a little smile and i nod in appreciation "thank ser i will see you later at the ceremony i am going to visit my sister." I say before allowing him to respond i turn around in the direction to dany's tent.

Walking up to dany's tent i hear talking, walking closer i can tell it's the khal and dany. Thinking about it now it would be resourceful to learn some dothraki. In the moment of thinking if i should just leave, out comes the khal almost bumping into me, catching his attention noticing it's me gives me the deadliest stare and if looks could kill i'd be six feet under right now. He says something in dothraki i do not understand and thinking cautiously i take a step back but do not cower or break eye contact "i am here to see my sister" i know he can't understand me but maybe dany will hear me from inside and come save me from her husbands wrath, and as if she heard my thoughts she comes out the tent "viserys" she says with a small smile she turns to khal drogo and says something to him i don't understand he continues to stare at me before turning to dany saying something to her then giving me one more glare before walking off.

Watching him walk away i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding then i turn back to dany. "I really need to learn some dothraki" i say with a chuckle causing her to laugh also "i would be happy to teach you" she says smiling "come in" she says and i follow after her into the tent looking around the tent i notice she's put the dragon eggs on hot coals, why she decided to do that i do not know. 

"So, are you nervous about the ceremony?" i ask looking at her. I mean i can see it's quite obvious she is by the nervous look on her face at me bringing it up. "What if i don't keep it down, what if i throw up and drogo will see that i am weak and not fit to bare his child?" daenerys says fiddling with her finger, shaking my head i walk closer to her and take her hands guiding her to sit down. "Dany don't think like that and i know it's harder said than done but you mustn't" i say sitting down next to her "and drogo loves you if i don't know anything then i know that...your gonna do great" im not really good at pep talks but i tried my best for her.
"Thank you vis" she says hugging me and i hug her back, hugs are starting to become my favorite thing especially coming from someone you care for.

"Well i better start getting ready irri is to come and take me to the ceremony." she says breaking our hug "ok i'll see you there ok?" i say giving her a reassuring smile which she nods to before i walk out. 

The ceremony is in full motion there's chanting all around as i stand next to jorah. Dany is doing great so far she keeps her eye contact with drogo with each bite she takes blood covering her hands and face as she eats the heart. "what are they saying jorah?" i ask him not taking my eyes off my sister "the prince is riding i've heard the thunder of his hooves, swift as the wind he rides his enemies will cower before him their wives will weep tears of blood," jorah speaks as the chanting gets louder "she's going to have a boy" hearing jorah words i continue to look at dany "she's almost done" i say anticipation running through me "she's doing great" jorah says and i nod in agreement "come on dany" i whisper under my breath. Seeing she's eaten the whole heart a small smile starts to form on my face until she hunches over like she's going to vomit and i begin to worry, but she slowly recovers "the stallion who mounts the world" jorah begins to speak "the stallion is the khal of khals he shall unite the people into a single khalasar all the people of the world will be his heard." hearing jorahs words i'm astonished then dany starts speaking to everyone in dothraki making everyone chant rhaego. The khal getting up to lift dany "they love her" i say pride feeling me "she truly is a queen today" jorah says as i continue to watch everyone continue to shout the name and she turns to look at me smiling.

The ceremony is over and everyone is celebrating dany is laughing talking with others. Me and jorah still standing off to the side "you've changed your grace" jorah says turning to look at me i nod my head i knew this would come up "just viserys jorah and yes i have" i say taking a sip from my mug "why" he asks skeptical and i sigh before turning to him "i don't want to be my father my house has seen more bad kings than good and i want to do better and be better for dany....i've been a terrible brother i know this and i will always hate myself for what i've done to her it may not seem like it but she's my sister and i do love her." i finish saying  "I'm going to go congratulate her" i say walking off in her direction.

Walking up to her i can see drogo out the corner of my eye stop talking to his people looking at me, but i continue my trek to her seeing me approach she smiles warmly "i just wanted to come over and give my congratulations to you..and drogo on your son" i say hands behind my back looking at her "thank you so much viserys it meant everything to have you here" she says "sit down with me" she says scooting over to make room "oh no i shouldn't" i begin to say but she cuts me off "only for a little bit please" she asks and it's really hard to say no so i sit down next to her.

"i noticed you wearing my gift" she says gaining my attention causing me to look down at the vest "oh yes i quite like it" i say which causes her smile to grow "so rhaego will be your sons name" i ask her to which she nods and i nod back the events still going on around us and drogo goes back to talking with his people seeing i'm not here to cause trouble. "your eggs...i noticed you put them on coal earlier why?" i ask turning to her to which she shrugs "i do not know i just felt a pull and it felt right" she says and i nod "i think it's smart dragons do love heat even if they are petrified" i say making her giggle the night continues to roll on and i remember see jorah is supposed to be training me early tomorrow so i turn to dany who is in deep conversation with her husband "excuse me daenerys ...khal drogo" i say to gain their attention to which they turn their heads to me "i must retire for tonight i must get up early jorah has promised to train with me" i say only looking towards dany "oh that's great vis well i don't want to keep you up i shall see you tomorrow" she says before getting up to hug me "goodnight sister, khal drogo" i say dismissing myself and walking out to my own tent.

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