Chapter 2

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Benny sat near a window, humming along with the café's music as he chewed on his sandwich. It was a cute little place that Emmet had suggested to him, one of the Special's favorite places to eat that surprisingly wasn't a chain restaurant. And he had to admit, they made some killer sandwiches. The coffee was pretty good, too. He was seated just right to watch as an older couple came in, looking dismayed as they discussed something or other.

"At least this one didn't slap him," the wife sighed.

"Don't worry darling, we'll find the right one eventually."

That piqued Benny's curiosity. He slowed his munching, trying not to look like he was eavesdropping as they got in line to place their orders. They did seem familiar somehow... He stopped chewing altogether as he finally heard enough to piece together what they were talking about. It seemed they were looking for someone to set their son up with. Benny could commiserate.

Just as the older couple retrieved their food and started looking for a place to sit to enjoy their lunch, the wife stopped with a small gasp. "Oh! Dear, isn't that-?" Benny blinked and turned to see what had caught her attention. She was staring straight at him.

"Hi?" he ventured.

"Oh, it is you! You were one of the Special's companions, weren't you?"

Benny smiled. "Yeah. We're still friends, even."

She hesitated for a moment, then seemed to settle on a decision. "Darling?" her husband questioned as she stepped closer to Benny's table. "Darling, he's one of those Master Builders, I don't think-"

Benny lifted an eyebrow. "Got a problem with Master Builders?"

"No, dear, not at all!" the wife assured. "It's just... Oh, it is silly, never mind..."

Now he had to know. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"...It's our son," she admitted. "He... doesn't really talk to people, just throws himself into his work, and we- we worry about him, you know? He's so alone, he doesn't even have any friends..."

"And you were hoping I might agree to go on a date with him?" Benny ventured with some amusement. She blushed.

"Well... yes."

"I'm a little confused about why being a Master Builder would factor into that, though."

"It's- our son is..."

"Our son is Bad Cop," the husband finally spoke up, frowning slightly at his wife with worry.

Benny blinked. Well that just solved all my problems. And also explained why they looked familiar. "Sure," he agreed. That caught them both off guard.

"You- you will? Really?"

"Yeah," Benny said with a shrug. "I don't think he's really all that bad after all." And he meant it- Bad Cop had saved their butts back in the studio, after all. And let him build a spaceship! That was two points in his favor already. Although Jenny and Denny begged to disagree...

"Oh- oh thank you, you have no idea how much this means to us-"

"Why don't you two sit down?" Benny offered, gesturing to his table that was certainly big enough to fit two more people. "And we can discuss details."


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