Chapter 10

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Benny's stomach dropped the moment those words left Good Cop's mouth. Oh stars, was this it? Was this their way of trying to let him down gently? Were they finally going to say they'd gotten bored of his incessant rambling about space and spaceships? That they couldn't handle a friendship with someone who would so frequently be off the planet for months at a time?

But Good Cop looked nervous, almost scared of saying whatever was on his mind. Benny fought down his own terror of rejection and leaned forward to indicate that they had his full attention. "What about?" he prompted.

It took Good Cop almost a full minute to find his voice again. "We know we started this whole thing with the intention of getting our families off our backs about dating," he started, "but over the past year, we really... we've really come to appreciate having you in our life, you know?" Benny stared in surprise, unable to help the warm feeling starting to spread through him. This wasn't the rejection he was expecting. "And I know this probably... really isn't the sort of thing you'd want to hear from us, of all people, but- we've really come to regret agreeing to the breakup. Second worse mistake of our life."

Benny slowly leaned back against the cushions, still staring. Good Cop stood stiff and tense, like he was ready to bolt the moment Benny opened his mouth to respond. He couldn't wrap his head around this revelation. Did they really...? "What are you saying?" he managed to get out without squeaking. He couldn't let that bubbling feeling overwhelm him yet, he had to know for absolutely certain-

"I'm saying that we really, really like you. Might even be in love with you. And we'd really like to try dating again- for real, this time."

Benny felt like the air had been stolen from his lungs. He knew he should really respond soon- Good Cop looked more and more discouraged with every second that passed- but words just wouldn't come. So he did the only thing he could think of.

He got to his feet, crossed the short distance between them, and pulled Good Cop down for a kiss.

Good Cop could only stare in stunned silence when Benny finally released him. Benny finally felt like he could breathe again. "In case that didn't make it obvious enough- I really, really like you too. Might even be in love with you." Good Cop started to laugh in overjoyed disbelief. Benny rested his head against their chest. "I missed you guys so much while I was up at the base. It would take me being all the way out in space and unable to just pop in to see you whenever I felt like it to realize how important you've become to me."

"It was... mostly the same for us, too."


"We started to have an inkling after the breakup. Wasn't until a couple weeks after your flight up there that it really sank in."

Benny snickered. "Aren't we a pair..." He smiled as Good Cop wrapped his arms around him and held him. "I hope you're ready for Jenny and Denny to start throwing some world-class tantrums."

"If we could handle Business' tantrums, I'm sure we can handle theirs too."

"You realize this means we'll have to come clean about the fake dating, right?"

"We are aware," Good Cop sighed. "We don't envy you the task of having to explain that to your siblings."

Benny snorted. "Yeah, kinda wishing we could trade, I'm willing to bet your folks will take it a lot better..."

"I'm sure Mum will be over the moon," Good Cop agreed. "You still want to have our movie night?"

"You bet!" Benny cheered. "I wasn't kidding about missing those!" Good Cop laughed lightly, and let Benny choose their movie for the night, sliding an arm around him when the astronaut joined them on the couch. Benny snuggled close without hesitation, letting his head fall against their shoulder.

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