Chapter 11

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Three months later...

Benny heaved a sigh of relief as he set the last box down on the kitchen bar and stretched. He'd almost forgotten just how much stuff he had. Even after he and his siblings had found that nice big apartment to rent, a lot of his belongings had remained in storage. Now he finally had the space to unpack everything.

His new condo was spacious, large enough to hold everything he owned, and then some. It was a bit of a drive outside of the city, but he didn't mind. Most of his work was done remotely anyway- and living costs were less expensive, out here. He called to order a pizza for delivery, then set to work unpacking. He at least wanted to get his new kitchen set up before Bad Cop arrived to help move his furniture.

His partner arrived just a few minutes after the pizza did. With a bright smile he opened the door to welcome them in. "Hey guys!" he chirped. "You're just in time, pizza's still hot."

"What toppings did you get?" Good Cop asked.


"Ooh, perfect!" Benny smiled as Good Cop kissed the top of his head. "Is all the big stuff still in the truck?"

"Yeah, I figured it would be better to wait til you got here to help move it. I can lift it by myself no problem, but maneuvering everything up stairs and through doors and around turns is definitely a two-person job." Good Cop snickered. "Let's eat first though, I'm starved."

After they had demolished more than half the pizza, they set to work bringing all of Benny's furniture in. It took them only a little over an hour to bring everything in and get it all set up. Next they unpacked all the boxes of Benny's cookware and dishes and cleaning supplies, then got his new entertainment center set up and his movie collection put away, after which they decided to take a break.

"It's nice that you finally got yourself a DVD player," Bad Cop teased. Benny laughed.

"Yeah, guess I'm gonna have to work on replacing my collection now. I did get a new movie just for the occasion though!"

"And what movie is that?"

Benny grinned at him. "Caveman." Bad Cop laughed. Once Benny got the movie started, they settled onto the couch together, Benny snuggled up to Bad Cop's side.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright here by yourself?" Bad Cop asked as he wrapped an arm around the astronaut. "I mean, this is an awful lot of space just for one person."

Benny smiled. "Oh I know, just planning for the future. I'm kinda hoping someone might move in with me, eventually."

Bad Cop froze in surprise. "...Are you asking us to move in with you?"

Benny hugged him tightly. "When you're comfortable with it. If you're comfortable with it."

Bad Cop hugged him back. "We'd love to," he said without hesitation.

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