Part 4

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Tim's Pov
Tim - do you think you could be pregnant?
" i don't know babe i mean it could just be from my period it's supposed to start soon
" baby can i period make you this sick
" yea mine does " " sweetie this happens every time?"  she nods " i have a fucking period cramp simulater we should make all the guys try it
" i'll do it i wanna know what you go through " 
- turns out it was just her period -
a few weeks later at a party
3rd person pov
Lucy -ok guys tim was wondering what cramps feel like so - she holds up the cramp simulater
all the girls starting laughing and screaming yesss
Lucy - ok it can do 2 people at once so we can do couples and go to the level your cramps are so the guy can feel it me and tim will start
they out the things on and angela controls it she starts with a level 5 lucy has no reaction tim freaks out she puts it up to a 7 lucy still has no reaction and tim is acting like he's dying
Lucy - put it to a 10 this is nothing-
angela puts it to a 10
Lucy - mine are worse then this
tim's screaming
Lucy - babe are u good u look pale?"
Tim - no i'm dizzy-
angela shuts it off because tim looks like he gonna pass out
Tim - god i feel so bad for you now
Lucy - yea add nausea headaches cravings back aches and being tired to that and it's just as bad maybe
Tim - who's next cause that's tourture lucy how much worse are yours
Lucy - talk have seen it there so bad i puke probably like a level 15 on that think but it only goes up to 10
all the couples do it and they have the same reactions
-in the car -
Tim - babe i feel so bad you have to go through that
Lucy - yeah it's hell and i already have cramps right now so the machine was worse for me
Tim - babe that can't be normal
Lucy - no it's fine i feel like shit though
she laughs
Tim - lucy
Lucy - yea baby
Tim - i'm so in love with you
Lucy - i'm in love with you to babe

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