Part 7

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A few weeks later

Lucy had worked a really hard case today a kid was kidnapped by one of his parents who didn't have custody and when they got to the kid he had just barely died nobody said much lucy was the one to find him and seeing a kid like this made her scared for her baby tim had already gone home (they live at tim's) lucy walks in and sets her bag down

Tim greets her " hey baby how are my girls (there having a baby girl) How was work?"
she responds while pouring herself a cup of water
" we're fine work was fine, im gonna go shower " she goes to walk away he grabs her arm and says to her " lucy did you find that kid" she nods he sees tears form in her eyes " i was seconds to late he -he's didn't make it, tim im scared what if something happens to our baby"

she sobs into tim's chest "it's ok baby it's ok" he says as he strokes her hair

A few minutes later...
tim holds lucy's hair back as she pukes into the toilet with every sob he hates when this happens it's very very rare it does it's only happend once before where she breaks into these heart shattering sobs the ones where she makes herself sick it's even worse when she's already nauseous this baby is kicking her ass

He rubs her backs once her sobs calm down she rinses her mouth out with water he picks her up and sets her on the bathroom counter facing him
he brushes her hair out of her face " your ok baby i promise" when she finally says words after almost an hour " i'm sorry tim" " baby you do not need to apologize i understand my love " she wraps her arms around his neck and he carries her to bed

she cuddles into him " lucy your gonna be an amazing mom" tim says to her while stroking her hair " says you -she giggles - your amazing with kids "  "i love kids "  "god it's so hot when your like that with kids"  he chuckles and kisses her head "i love you luce , i can't wait to have a baby with you" "i love you tim" she falls asleep in his arms

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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