𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 ━━ 𝐬𝐚𝐝 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.

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━━━━━━━━ THE DAY FINALLY CAME. the group of six had to leave camp half-blood and figure out a way to Atlantis. it would be near impossible, but they had a month to work. Cassius was up early, along with the first glimpses of the sun.

she was nervous as she shoved outfit after outfit into the backpack. throwing in a book, second pair of shoes, beanie and gloves, as well as a few sweaters, and ambrosia plus some drachmas.

Lilianna was watching from her bed, Evan and Juni doing the same.

"can't believe you're leaving." Lilianna muttered, watching sadly as Cassius packed up her bag.

"yeah." Evan agreed, "you seem too young. but i'm glad you're leaving with friends." he muttered, flopping down beside Lilianna. Evan and Lilianna didn't look related, but they definitely acted related.

"i'll be fine." Cassius laughed, but she had undertones of nervousness flooding her system.

"your necklace has a location sender. if you're ever in trouble, click it four times and it'll send us your location." Juni wrapped the young teenager into a hug. his touch was warm, but so was Cassius's.

with goodbyes being shared, Cassius left and met up with her friends. Alaska didn't need to say goodbye to anyone, considering that her and Grover were twins and were going together.

Percy was standing there as well, slightly perking up when Cassius strolled closer. Cassius sent him a warm smile, squeezing his upper arm with a familiar warm touch.

"now we're just waiting for Leo and Annabeth." Grover smiled at the other two that joined him and his sister. it was a waiting game, which was a surprise when it came to Annabeth.

Leo surprisingly made it up to the four first, confused when he noticed the lack of Athena campers.

"Annabeth isn't here yet?" he smirked slightly.

"nope." Alaska laughed, studying the map before her. she was working out the route they'd take to Atlantis — it would be difficult no matter which road they took. being half-bloods and having a forbidden child with them would up the difficulty a thousand times.

finally; after a few more minutes, Annabeth came running up, panting slightly. "i'm here!" she exclaimed, leaning forwards slightly. the group of five laughed, Annabeth remained confused.

"you all understand you're going to Atlantis, correct?" Chiron ended the laughed that floated around the group. they all nodded, and he spoke with them a little more.

Cassius looked back to see her three favorite siblings standing and sadly watching her depart. Lilianna looked as though she was truly crying, and Evan had evidence of tears. Juni pointed at the necklace again, reminding the girl of the location part. she waved goodbye again, feeling her mood deplete slightly.

when they were on the bus, they sat in the way back row. the back row had 5 seats, so Leo was outstretched on the floor, sitting on a blanket they'd managed to bring along.

Cassius happily sat nearest to the window, her eyes admiring the foreign landscape she was presented with. she hadn't been out of camp in awhile, so this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

"it's beautiful out here." she muttered thoughtfully to Percy.

he looked over, staring at the girl as he muttered a response, "it is." Cassius was oblivious to what he was talking about, continuing her amazed stare out the window.

the group managed to blend in with the mortals around them. Percy wore a retro grandpa sweater and loose jeans with his shoes, the messy blond curls atop his head sat messy as usual.

ATLANTIS ━━━━━━━━ percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now