Midnight Butterflies P2

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*After they were done with their conversation*

Edric: *He is just talking about random things now. While sitting next to Hunter.*

Hunter: *He slowly falls asleep and his head lands in Edrics lap*

Edric: *He was startled at first but he immediately has a soft smile on his face. But he carefully pulls Hunter into his lap and picks him up then, he calls his palisman and gets on it while holding Hunter.*

*Once they got to The Owl House.*

Edric: *He sets Hunter in his bed and was about to leave.*

Hunter: *Barely awake.* Edric... don't go..

Edric: Hunter.. I have to go home.

Hunter: No... stay please.. *He reaches for Edric.*

Edric: Fine.. *He goes back over to Hunter and sits next to him.*

Hunter: *He grabs Edrics hand and nuzzled it, then fell back to sleep. Almost immediately.*

*After 30 minutes*

Edric: *He gets to tired and finally laid down in Hunters bed with him and he decides to cuddle with Hunter.*

Hunter: *He sleeps peacefully, almost to peaceful.*

Edric: *He smiles then carefully places a soft kiss on Hunters forehead, then let out a quiet whisper.* Sweet dreams Hunter..

Hunter: *A small smile creeps on his face as he slept.*

Edric: *Soon, he also falls asleep and drifts into a deep slumber.*

*It's morning and both the boys are cuddling*

Hunter: *Woke up but he didn't move, he was to comfortable to leave his arms.*

Edric: *He's still fast asleep*

Hunter: *After a few minutes he got up, and went to make breakfast.*

*30 min later.*

Edric: *He woke up and texted his dad where he was then he went downstairs.*

Eda: Hey kiddo.

King: Morning.

Luz: Hi Edric!

Hunter: Mornin' Edric.

Edric: Morning guys.

Hunter: How'd you sleep?

Edric: I slept good, and you guys decided on pancakes?

Eda: Yep.

Edric: Sure smells good. *He then goes and gets himself a plate and makes himself some pancakes then, he walks and sits down at the table. Shortly, starting to eat his pancakes.*

*Everyone continues to eat then once they're done, they get up and wash off their plates then, they just talk with eachother. In the living room.*

Luz: *noticed how Hunter is looking at Edric and just nudges him*

Hunter: *looks at Luz*

Luz: *whisper* Good luck with your crush on Edric.

Hunter: WHAT?!-

*They all look at Hunter*

Hunter: S-Sorry eheh..

Edric, Eda and King: It's fine.

Midnight Butterflies(Edric X Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now