chapter eleven

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SPENDING A FEW hours in blissful heaven was enough to calm Nadia's nerves for the time being, the woman having to sneak back to her floor before the light could creep in through the curtains hanging over the windows.

Though she got the closure she was so eagerly searching for, every minute away from Finnick's embrace was a minute she didn't have him as a distraction.

Once she was back, she headed to her bed to catch whatever glimpse of rest she could. But on her way she found Apollo's door was open and a light seeping into the hallway would pique her curiosity and give her a new distraction.

Nadia quietly made it to his door, the woman sure she looked a little suspicious even though she was only trying to be quiet in case he was sleeping.

She should've expected his bed to be empty as she entered his room considering the light was on. Not only was he absent from his bed, but she couldn't spot him anywhere.

"Apollo?" She peered and peeked into and around every corner in the room, looking everywhere he could be, and places that were outright ludicrous.

"Apollo? Where are you?" Nadia spoke as she opened his wardrobe to find it empty aside from a couple sets of pajamas. Go figure.

She felt like she was losing her mind, there seeming to be plenty of light in the room and yet, he was out of sight.

She huffed, placing her hands on her hips and checked the rest of the possible places he could be.

Her worry grew enough for her to venture around the rest of the floor and just as she went to continue her search, the man in question came back. Quite abruptly did he show up causing them to run right into each other.

Apollo was a lot taller than Nadia, so his accidental bump was more like a body-slam, sending her straight to the ground.

"What the hell are you doing?" Apollo asked through a scolding whisper as he helped her back up, the woman rubbing her back at the small ache that hit her once she collided with the hard floor.

"Playing hide-and-seek by myself apparently." She looked around before nudging the man's shoulder. "I saw your light on and was checking to see if you were still awake."

Apollo shoved his hands into his pockets as again she witnessed that nervousness he displayed for his interviews. Not that she could blame him for it, her own mind racing as they were so close to going back into the games.

"Um... do you mind maybe staying with me for a little bit? When I looked for you earlier, you weren't there." He questioned, gulping down a lump in his throat.

"Yeah, I'll stay." She smiled, the pair taking a seat at the end of his bed. "I don't think I could go to sleep now anyways."

She looked from his hands that rubbed together as some form of distraction, then to his eyes as they remained studying the ground. "You nervous?"

He chuckled, brows squinted at her. "Why would I be nervous? It's only a death game used for prissy, entitled, weirdos entertainment."

She shook her head, amused at his sarcastic words as she fiddled with the rim of her nightgown that ended a few inches above her knee.

"I'm nervous too... I haven't stopped shaking all night." She offered him her hand, Apollo looking at it studiously to find her words true. Her hands looked as though she'd stood outside in negative degree weather for a few hours.

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