Midnight reunion pt 1

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It was new year indeed Marinette had gone out to a party and had celebrated with her classmates as the school year was coming to an end at lukas place when a snow storm stroke out of nowhere and an Akuma appeared out of nowhere and began to create miserable chaos for the crowd everyone panicked and started running in a misfit while Marinette decided to transform into a ladybug.

Marinette: Tikki spots on !


After Marinette transformed and as she was performing her patrol as usual she started realising that this time chat noir didn't show up it had been 10 minutes since she was trying to battle against the monster that had caused destruction  

Ladybug's Pov: I wonder where chat noir is Its been at least 10 whole minutes while ive been strolling around and taking care of everything by myself that's strange he always shows up right at time

(she tries calling chat noir but still doesn't respond)

Then ladybug realised that at the time when it was raining as (Marinette) chat noir appeared out of the blue and handed her an umbrella and told her that when she uses this umbrella it makes the rain or any troublesome weather alright but at a second thought she said

Ladybug: Hmm if i were to use this umbrella anyone would be able to find out that as Marinette i was using this umbrella so what if they'd get an idea that I'm ladybug

So because of the this, Ladybug came to conclusion if she were to save the day by using the umbrella to calm the monster down a little bit and change the weather it would be very risky since it would reveal her secret identity.

eventually somehow the other ladybug quickly saves the day with her yoyo and releases the akuma .

After her patrol without chat noir when everything was over she quickly DE transforms in a corner of Lukas Bedroom

Marinette: Phew! That was a strange call and the weather is super foggy today.

(At the time When Marinette was DE transforming herself Luka entered the bedroom without hesitating)

Luka: Marinette? So You Are Lady-

Marinette quickly places  both of her hands on Lukas mouth and shushes him.

Marinette :psss Luka be quiet people are outside they might hear us 

(*I know that Luka already knows her identity but this just An AU*)

Luka being cool and aloof as always he understood what she was trying to say immediately

Ladybug went speechless but on the other hand Luka knew  already the two identities of both chat noir and ladybug 

Marinette who was Infront of Luka in his room right, then and there started bawling.

Marinette: I Cant, I Can't I'm such a fool. i should've been careful.  Wait does that mean you know chat noirs identity

Luka shook reveals that he knows both their identities

Marinette then starts sobbing while murmuring something 

Luka then consoles Marinette

Luka: Hey Look Its okay Marinette I wont tell anybody you know that 

(*Luka then hugs Marinette*)

(Marinette starts feeling safe in his presence)

then Adrien when he was going for another drink sees them hugging in lukas  room and watches in disbelief.

Adrien's pov:(Marinette and Luka WHAT how could he shes mine)

(from this point Adrien and Luka are officially rivals)

A Jealous Adrien steps in the way 

Adrien: Ahem I see what's going on here now Luka could u show me where i could get another of this glass of fruit pulp

Luka: "Sure" with a smirk while hugging Marinette tightly

Marinette then makes some excuse and leaves

Marinette: Um I have to go celebrate with my fam its getting late

Marinette then leaves Lukas place left behind with a jealous Adrien.

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