midnight reunions pt 2

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Adrien couldn't believe his eyes at what he had witnessed

 Luka sitting there hugging his precious Marinette

Adriens pov: how could Luka do that to me Its unfair!

Luka: Hey adrien! The party is soon about to get over what were you doing buddy where were you?!

Adrien: Eh U- um the reason I arrived late at your party is because I was having my piano lessons as you know so i couldnt arrive on tie 

Luka: Oh thats unusual but okay 

Marinette:I really wonder whats up with Chat Noir he didnt show up for patrol that day I wonder whats going on I hope hes okay


Tikki: Hey Marinette is everything alright?? You seem unwell today.

Tikki: I think you should get some rest.

Marinette: Oh Tikki! Its just that i'm worried about the fact that today while i was on patrol Chat Noir Didnt show up which is okay once or twice but no matter how many times id try to call Him,He couldnt answer any of my calls that were sent which is very unusual !

Tikki: That's alright remember you have that magic umbrella which chat noir had handed over to you? 

Tikki: Why don't you try using it so that cn could appear!

Marinette started to chuckle She said "No no no Silly it doesnt work that way! ; Besides its not even raining.

marinette sighs

Even thoughh  luka is still my friend,from now on hes my Rival!!

adrien screams so hard that plag charged through with camembert cheese sticking out of his mouth

Plagg mumbles : MmmmmMMm adrien Whats the problem?,Why are you screaming so loud?!

Jeez kid chill out a little bit relax plagg said with an annoyed expression on his face

ITS JUST THAT I DIDNT like the way luka hugged marinette its not fair

i wana visit her now so badly said adrien with a desperate look on his face

Plagg: I Mean the other day didn't you hand her an umbrella when it was raining that day?

Does it look like its raining now outside 

Adrien then sighs

Then suddenly out of the ordinary tiny drops of rain start pouring out of the ordinary

adrien gasps 

Plagg: Now why ya look at it started raining!

Adrien: Yippie! Now i could go meet my purrincess as chat noir~

plagg: eh that too only if she uses her umbrella.

adrien transforms into chat noir and sets off to Marinette's place.

I really wish i could meet chat noir right now and plus its raining says marinette with a look of hope on her face

Marinette then realises she could use the magic umbrella to call chat noir so she heads up to her balcony where it was raining

Marinette then proceeds to unfurl the umbrella, just then a shadow appears out the distance on another rooftop

Marinette exclaims

Marinette: So he wasn't joking after all when chat noir said if i pull out this umbrella he stated that he may appear!

just as Chat noir spots marinette from a distance he leaps over to her balcony and greets her by saying "Hello mari wana go for a stroll out at night"?

marinette gasp 

Hmph its already midnight where do you think you going to take me says Marinette with a skeptical look on her face

chat noir then looks at her dumbfoundedly 

Leave that up to me okay? says chat noir with a suspicious smile

just Before Marinette could answer chat noir grabs her waist scoops her up and departs from the balcony on his rode with her in his arms

Marinette then goes on "Hey Hey What do you think you're doing" says marinette with a little pout 

Clutch tight don't let go or else you will fa-


Screams marinette

at that moment chat noir quickly grabs her

I told you so said chat noir with an annoyed look on his face

now close your eyes~ says chat noir

chat noir then lands and finds a perfect spot to stargaze 

you have officially reached your destination !

Marinette chuckles while saying stargazing? wow i love this says Marinette

As they both lie down together stargazing they start chit chatting about random things

the stars look beautiful don't they ? ,says Marinette batting her eyelashes, with a fascinated look

Chat noir then winks and says

Not as beautiful as yours, purrincess~

Not as beautiful as yours, purrincess~

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 says chat noir in a flirty tone.

Marinette then gets flattered...

Marinette then gets flattered

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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