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Currently, Y/n and Walker were hanging out in the latters room. Y/n was scrolling through tiktok while Walker was playing fortnite. Soon Y/n got bored and decided that she was not going to just sit around and do nothing.

The girl turned off her phone and sighed. "Walker" Y/n said. "What's up?" the boy took off one side of his headset in order to hear what his best friend had to say. "I'm bored, can we do something?" She said.

"Yeah, what do you want to do?" Walker asked, admiring the way y/n's head tilted as she thought about what she wanted to do. He admired the way her hair fell perfectly in front of her face. In Walker's opinion, Y/n was perfect. And although she didn't think so, he wished she did because it was a shame that he seemed to be the only one witnessing the beauty in front of him.

"Uhhh, we should go on a walk and get some ice cream." Y/n suggested. "Sounds good to me," Walker said with a smile.

As they walked out of the front door, Y/n seemed to catch herself staring at the boy that was walking next to her. I mean who wouldn't, everything about him was gorgeous, from his pretty blond curls to his beautiful blue eyes. She so desperately wished that he was more than her best friend. How she longed to just be able to call him her boyfriend. She became giddy at the thought. Speaking of which, she was pulled out of her thoughts by these words. "Are you staring, Y/n?" Walker said with a grin.

"What? Of course not. I was just thinking and so happened to be facing your way." Y/n said matter of factly. "I'm sure that's the reason..What were you thinking about anyways?" Walker asked. "Oh! Um nothin much, ya know just like some stuff." Y/n said nonchalantly, or so she thought it was nonchalant.

"You were never good at lying to me bee." Walker said. The nickname originated from a time when the two were little and Y/n got stung by a bee. For some reason after that, Walker decided to give her that name.

Y/n was having a battle between her mind and heart. Should she confess her feelings to her lifelong best friend or should she not and save her self the embarrassment that might occur? On one hand, he could like her back. But on the other, he could.. not like her back. That could potentially ruin their friendship. But ya know what? Y/n was feeling ballsy. Duck it.

"Walker, I like you. More than a best friend would. I completely understand if you are absolutely appalled and would like to run away and-" Before Y/n could keep rambling, she felt sweet lips on her own. There the two teens were, standing in the middle of the sidewalk, kissing. And just as fast as the kiss happened, it ended. The girl was shocked to say the least. Her crush, the boy she'd been friends with for so long, liked her back and had just kissed her. On the lips. Do you realize how big of a deal this is for 14 year old Y/n? Huge!

"Y/n, I like you too. I have for so long, I'm glad you feel the same way." At this point, the both of them were blushing. "So what does this mean? for us, i mean" Y/n asked, subtly hinting at him asking her to be his. "Well, I think what i'm trying to say is, I really like you Y/n, as you can probably tell, and I would really like it if you would like to be my girlfriend?" Walker asked shyly, a blush coating his cheeks.

"Of course Walker!" The girl squealed slightly, causing the boy to giggle, quickly wrapping her arms around Walker's shoulders, and kissing his cheek before hugging him. Obviously Walker hugged back.

"So bee, ready to go get some ice cream?" Walker asked as they pulled away. "Yes, come on!"Y/n said with a giggle.
And there the two were, walking down the sidewalk, holding hands while laughing at each other's stupid jokes. To others it might be cringey, but to the two lovebirds, it was perfect.

First imagine done!! What did you think?? Please give me honest feedback, i'd like to know your thoughts. Also this isn't proofread, i wanted to publish this asap. Much love, byeee😘

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