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Tomorrow was Walker and Y/n's 6 month anniversary and they were very excited. Currently, they were hanging out with their friends. The couple still needed to get each other a gift.

"Y/n/n, Aryan and I gotta go, see you tomorrow." Walker said. "That's cool, Leah and I gotta do something to, bye Walker." She said, giving him a quick goodbye kiss. As the two boys were walking out, Walker heard Y/n say something that caught his attention. "I want to go to Tommy-" Is what he heard. The rest was inaudible the farther he walked.

Tommy? Who's Tommy? Walker has never heard of a Tommy before. Walker tried to think of many possible reasons why Y/n would want to go to Tommy's house. There was one reason that stuck out but Walker didn't want to jump to conclusions so he pushed away those thoughts and decided to bring it up tomorrow.

The next day had been full of fun and happiness. It was good day and Walker had almost forgotten about what happened the day before.


The day was slowly coming to an end and the couple was in Y/n's room hanging out. The two were watching a movie, hands intertwined, and this Tommy guy was just bugging Walker. He physically could not stop think about it. So he decided to bring it up.

"Hey Y/n, I have to ask you something." Walker stated. "What's up hun?" Y/n could feel the worry radiating from Walker. "So um, I don't really know how to say this but uh, I heard you talking yesterday and I wanted to ask, who is Tommy?"

Y/n looked very confused. Tommy? She didn't know a Tommy. "Huh?"

"Y/n just tell me the truth." Walker was also confused because the girl in front of him looked genuinely confused. "I honestly have no clue what you're talking about. I've never heard of a To- Ohhhhh" Y/n said as it all suddenly clicked in her mind. She bursted out laughing. "What? Why are you laughing?" Walker asked, very lost. "I'm laughing because you obviously didn't hear what i was actually saying yesterday." Y/n said, getting up to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" Walker asked. "You'll see right now, it'll all make sense." And with that she left the room only to enter again 1 minute later. "So I wanted to wait until we did the gift exchange but, you definitely need to know this." Y/n said sitting next to Walker an the bed with a gift bag in hand. Y/n handed Walker the bag, gesturing for him to open it.

When he did he saw a Tommy Hilfigure Jacket. And suddenly it all clicked in his mind. "You thought I said I was going to Tommys but really I said I was going to Tommy Hilfigure to get you a jacket." Y/n explained. "Oh. Well now I feel stupid." Walker admitted with a blush.

"Don't. It was a little misunderstanding." Y/n comforted. "Well thank you for the jacket Y/n, it's really nice. And since you've given me my gift, I'll just give you your gift." Walker pulled out a Pandora gift box from his jacket pocket. Inside was a beautiful silver ring with a pink diamond heart.

"Oh Walker, it's gorgeous!" Y/n exclaimed, practically tackling Walker in a hug

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"Oh Walker, it's gorgeous!" Y/n exclaimed, practically tackling Walker in a hug. "Not nearly as gorgeous as you." Walker said with a grin. "Stop it" Y/n said with a blush. "Well put it on." Walker urged. "It's perfect." Y/n said.

"I'm glad you like it Y/n" Walker said sincerely. "Thank you for everything Walker. Today was almost perfect." Y/n said. "Almost perfect? What would make it absolutely perfect?" Walker asked. "This."

Y/n then leaned in and kissed Walker for a few seconds. She pulled away.

"Let's finish the movie." Y/n said. And so they did. They fell asleep, cuddling. It was a hectic day? Nevertheless it was a good one.

Technically the third post of the day😝 I got this idea from an imagine I read. I forgot the name of it but if you know please lmk. Anyways let me know what you thought of this. Much love, byeee💗

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