Phillip not Pip

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I sit down in class next to a boy in a green hat with red curly hair peeking from under it. He stares at me for a while with a strange expression, making me uncomfortable. I wave at him remembering what my father said about making friends. He just looks the other way. Rude.

Not long after I sit, another boy in a brown jacket appears behind me and taps my shoulder.
"That's my seat." He says annoyed.
"Oh." I stand up to find a different spot. All of them are taken except one in the back next to that blonde boy from earlier. Ugh I do not want to sit next to him knowing he's going to try and talk to me. I hesitantly sit in my chair and I see him smile out the corner of my eye.

"Oh hello again!" He says cheerfully, waving at me.
"Can it brit, I don't wanna talk." He looks down at his hands bashfully his smile quickly fading. "Oh ok." We sit in silence for the rest of the class. I put on my headphones and keep my head down as not to make eye contact, but for some reason I occasionally find myself looking up at the blonde. Luckily he didn't notice.


It's finally lunch time. This day has been going by so slowly. I walk out the classroom to lunch, the hallway is bustling with students trying to get there first. I see that British kid again surrounded by classmates. I can't help but ease drop.
"Hey frenchy! Nice hat, makes you look gay." One of them says.
"Could you be any less pathetic?" Another says pushing him into a locker, causing him to fall. The last one kicks him before they all walk away. For some reason I feel bad for him, even if he is annoying. I'm tempted to help him but just end up walking away, he's not my problem.

The cafeteria is loud and smells funny. I get my lunch, which doesn't look very appetizing, and scan for places to sit before I see the boys that I saw in class earlier. I plop myself on the seat next to the red head kid, placing my things on the table and try my best to smile. I cringe a little knowing I probably look stupid.

Everyone at the table looks at me. One in an tattered orange coat that covers his face, and one in a red coat that is quite round.
"Who are you?" The fat one says with a snarky tone. I sallow hard before answering. I'm the prince of hell why am I nervous?
"I'm Damien Thorn." I say sitting up straighter to appear more confident. They're silent for a moment until they all start bursting into laughter, the fat one even falling out of his chair. My forced smile disappears, what's so funny? I slouch, feeling smaller than ever.

"Dude you sound like a chipmunk!" The one in the blue and red poof ball hat says through laughter, wiping a tear from his eye. I've never felt rejection before, I want to use my abilities to teach them a lesson but I can't. Steam comes from my ears as I feel my face heat up and my eyes water. I run outside and sit behind a tree near the school where no one will find me, not even bothering to take any food with me. I sit there for a long time with my knees huddled to my chest. lighting dried leaves on fire while blinking back tears because I'm too tough to cry. I should't let those imbeciles get to me considering I could erase them from existence in seconds, but for some reason they still do.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" An all too familiar voice says. I hurriedly put out the small fire made, hoping he didn't see. When I look up I find myself staring into the eyes of that blonde kid.
"I guess not." I grumble, moving over to make room for him. He sits next to me and passes me my belongings. "You left these in the lunch room." He smiles at me with that stupid smile, exposing his crooked teeth, I can't help but smile back.

"Thank you." I say quietly, embarrassed that this loser is actually making me feel better. "Um, What did you say your name was?"

"Phillip, Philip Pirrnip. But they call me Pip... because they hate me." He says the last part like it's a completely normal thing to say, I assume a lot of people call him Pip. But how could anyone hate someone like Philip? He's so nice, even to someone he just met.
"I'm Damien."
We sit in silence for a minute before it is broken by my words of curiosity.

"How do you do it?" I ask, "You're so nice but everyone is so cruel." He looks like I just asked him to solve the hardest math equation. He taps his finger on his chin as he thinks.
"I don't know... I guess it's what my mum would have wanted me to do, the right thing, because good things happen to good people... good things will happen eventually."
"But what if that good thing never comes?"

He's silent for a moment taking in a staggered inhale. "...Then at least I can say I tried." His words hurt me, I would have never guessed someone so kind and optimistic could ever be so... depressing. I guess he's kinda like me in a way— well maybe not the kind and optimistic part— but the other one. I guess being in hell with only my music to keep me company, I never realized how lonely I truly was.

I sigh and stand up.
"It was nice meeting you, Phillip. We should... hang out sometime." His eyes light up when I say that, I guess not many people call him that or ask him to hang out. He doesn't say anything, just nods his head vigorously in agreement.

I walk to my "home" with a warm feeling in my chest, knowing that I made my father proud. By making a friend.

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