Some nice food and a dab of bitch

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****sorry but like on my phone it'll get all slow and sturf so like is its small its because of that! You like? Comment, heart, etc! :D****

I walked down the stairs all ready in a fancy outfit. Everyone else was in my attire. I walked out of the door and plopped in the back back. I'm NOT sitting on the floor but then again Eleanor would try to sit with my dad. I got onto him before Eleanor could even try. I heard her scoff and sit next to Uncle Zayn. I was still mad at him bit seeing her mad was priceless. "I'm sorry daddy," I apologized. He nodded and kissed my cheek. "Don't do it again ok princess?" He soothed. I nodded and curled up against him, I could literally HEAR Eleanor's anger. On surprised I didn't laugh. *****Le ride skip****** I jumped out and skipped to the entrance, I'm gonna be daddy's little princess and she can't say SHIT. :}. Uncle Harry slung his arm around me. "Let's go babe," he said with an American accent. "Sure thing honey," I giggled. (Just showing you their relationship!) We walked in together with Uncle Harry's arm around me, wait till the paps see this! :D! We paid and sat down at our booth like thing. Its was big and roomy so lucky us. I sipped on my water and looked at the menu. Seating chart: Harry, Me, Eleanor, Dad, Niall, Liam, then Zayn. I scoffed under my breath having to sit to IT. We ate and had a good time. Well at least everyone else did, but me. I could hear sexual comments and little moaning, it was gross and disgusting. Why me? We left and Eleanor pulled me into the ladies restroom before I walked out the door. "Listen, he's mine now! Stay away bitch! He doesn't love you anymore!" She screeched. I grinned and skipped out. I don't believe her and it doesn't hurt me. Because my best reason: its not true.

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