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"Chaeryeonggggg, what ya cooking?" Ryujin asked as she leaned against the counter, in the kitchen, as chaeryeong was cooking something that smelt extremely delicious.

"I'm cooking food. That's soo surprising, isn't it?" Chaeryeong answered sarcastically.

Ryujin rolled her eyes "yeah, yeah whatever."

Ryujin then made her way to the fridge as she opened it, she took out a fizzy drink and slammed the fridge behind her, using her foot. She quickly opened the drink and took a sip.

"Can you make me some?" Ryujin asked as she leaned against the counter and pulled her phone out her pocket.

"Uhh, yeah I guess." Chaeryeong answered.


Suddenly jisu entered the kitchen. Ryujin looked up at her and gulped.

Ever since that day, things have been quite awkward between them.

"Hello chaeryeong, ryujin.." Jisu said, saying ryujin's name quietly and looking to the floor.

She put her phone back in her pocket and took another big sip of her fizzy drink.

"I'm going to my room, bye." Ryujin said quickly before she walked past Jisu and left. Going upstairs and shutting herself in her room.

Chaeryeong turned to Jisu and sighed "have you guys not talked ever since you and yeji had that little argument the other day?"

Jisu nodded and sighed "I don't know why... don't know what I did..."

"Don't worry. Im sure it'll be alright." Chae said with a smile.

"I invited Yuna to come over. She always manages to make me happy when im upset, or stressed." Jisu says with a small smile, as she opened the fridge and scanned it.

The mention of Yuna made chaeryeong drop her smile and look away.

"Oh cool, cool." Chae said, her tone sounded a bit more different this time.

"Fuck sake.." Ryujin muttered. She woke up from her after school nap. She yawned wide, reaching for her phone as she picked it up and checked the time.

12:30 AM

It was already midnight. She sighed and put her phone down. She tried to go back to sleep but couldn't, she felt wide awake.

Her stomach grumbled loudly. She felt hungry.

After a while she managed to pull herself up. She got out of bed. It was pitch black in the room so she ended up tripping over her feet and falling forward, banging against the wall as she groaned in pain.

"Fuck sake." She hissed. She sighed and stood up, she grabbed her phone and used the torch.

She opened her door and walked out her room, making sure not to wake up the others. She quietly went downstairs. The stairs were loud and creaky, so she tried to be as quiet as she could. She made it to the bottom of the stairs and walked towards the kitchen.

She had accidentally turned her torch off, making her in complete darkness.

"Fuck sake." She muttered in annoyance. She entered the kitchen.


"AGH FUCK SAKE." She screamed in pain as she fell backwards.

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