1. eye contact

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author pov

Park Wonbin exudes a deep passion for both dancing and singing, which fuel his creative spirit. However, his interests extend beyond the performing arts, as he finds solace in the world of literature. In his leisure time, when he is not attending dance classes, he can often be found immersed in the pages of captivating books at the local public library.

Coincidentally, Osaki Shotaro shares a strikingly similar set of hobbies and interests with Wonbin. Although they do not know each other at all, Shotaro, too, possesses an unwavering love for dancing, singing, and the written word.


wonbin pov

Today, just like any other day, I found myself heading to the public library after my invigorating dance classes. The library has become a haven for me—a place where I can be in a serene atmosphere that contrasts beautifully with the dynamic energy of the dance studio.

Stepping into the library, I relish the cool air that envelops me, providing respite from the outside world. The hushed whispers and rustling of pages create a symphony of tranquility, setting the stage for my literary adventures.

With my favorite book in hand, I nestled into a cozy corner, eager to immerse myself in its captivating pages. Lost in the intricate words and vivid imagery, I was momentarily transported to a different realm.

However, as I looked up momentarily to stretch my neck, my gaze unexpectedly locked with another boy's eyes. He smiled and quickly looked away.

As time passed, I became increasingly aware of his lingering gaze fixed upon me once again. It stirred a sense of curiosity within me, igniting a desire to understand the reason behind his unwavering attention. Yet, despite the growing intrigue, I made a conscious decision to release my hold on the matter and let it slip away.

shotaro pov


Just like any other day, I made my way to the library, eager to immerse myself in the world of books. Navigating through the rows of shelves, my steps led me to the enchanting realm of fiction.

Then, I noticed him—a boy tucked away in the corner, lost in his own world, engrossed in a tale unfolding between the pages of a book. He had headphones wrapped around his neck.

There was an undeniable allure about him, an air of mystery that piqued my curiosity. Our eyes met, and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment for being caught in the act of staring. Hastily, I mustered a smile in an attempt to alleviate any discomfort, then swiftly averted my gaze, pretending to be engrossed in the shelves before me.

As he returned his attention to his book, a wave of intrigue washed over me once more, and I found myself stealing another glance. "Why is he kind of... handsome?" I thought to myself, the thought dancing briefly in my mind before I dismissed it, reminding myself to focus on the task at hand—to find a new literary adventure.

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