3. practice

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wonbin pov

"Wonbin," I heard my dance coach call my name during the break, and without hesitation, I made my way over to him. His words caught me off guard. "I can see the incredible progress you've made in your dancing, and I believe it's time for you to audition for SM." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My coach, a seasoned dancer himself, was personally recommending me for an audition. It was like a dream come true!

"Really? I would love to give it a go!" I exclaimed, my excitement bubbling over. My coach nodded, his expression filled with confidence. "However, can you sing?" he inquired. I nodded eagerly, my determination shining through. "Absolutely! I'm ready to take on any challenge. Please, send me all the information you have."

With a warm smile, my coach assured me, "That would be great. I'll send you all the details. Keep up the great work, Wonbin." Grateful for his support, I made my way back to my group of friends to share the incredible news.

"What did he say?" my friend Ni-ki asked, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. Unable to contain my excitement, I replied, "I've been invited to audition for SM!" A grin spread across Ni-ki's face, and he couldn't hide his own excitement. "That's amazing! Congratulations, Wonbin. Oh, and guess what? I've been recommended to audition for HYBE too!" We couldn't help but laugh, overwhelmed by the serendipity of it all.

Looking at each other with a newfound sense of determination, Ni-ki posed a question that resonated deep within me. "Let's debut as idols together, Wonbin. What do you say?" My heart raced with anticipation as I nodded, my voice filled with conviction. "Absolutely! Let's chase our dreams and make them a reality. Although we may not be in the same group due to different companies, we must get a chance to perform in the same stage in award shows!" I smiled and Ni-ki smiled back.

shotaro pov

As I plopped down on my bed, I started reading the book I had recently borrowed. The world within its words came alive, captivating my imagination. Lost in the story, time seemed to slip away unnoticed. But then, a familiar buzz jolted me back to reality. My phone lit up with a notification from Instagram, indicating a new message had arrived. Curiosity piqued, I eagerly unlocked my phone and discovered that it was a message from none other than my best friend, Sohee.

sohee.hee: shotaro!! there's sm auditions now! let's finally audition together😛😛😛

Auditioning for SM has always been a dream of mine, a goal that I've relentlessly pursued. So when I saw Sohee's message, it felt like an electric shock of excitement surged through me, urging me into immediate action. With a leap, I sprang from my bed and rushed over to my computer, eager to check SM Entertainment's social media platforms. Every click was filled with anticipation as I scoured through their posts, searching for any information about the upcoming auditions.

taro.milk: OMG!!! 🥹🥹 im so happy lets audition!!!! Head to dance studio lets practice  nowwww AAAAHHHAGAHHAHHAHHAHAH IM SO EXCITED
sohee.hee: its 8pm... 😰 the studio is occupied by a class
taro.milk: we can always ask for a corner...!!!
sohee.hee: okay fine! See you outside the dance studio in 5 mins 🙂
taro.milk: 🤭🤭 im still so excited... see yaa!!

author pov

After a short while, Sohee and Shotaro arrived outside the dance studio. They made their way towards their usual practice room. *Knock, knock.* The sound echoed through the corridor as they politely signaled their presence, mindful that the practice room was currently occupied by another dance class. A voice called out from inside, inviting them in. Pushing the door open, Shotaro and Sohee entered the room, their eyes scanning the space.

"Hello," Shotaro spoke up, addressing the room's occupants. "We were wondering if we could borrow a corner for practi-" However, before Shotaro could finish his sentence, his words trailed off as his gaze locked with a certain individual across the room. It was Wonbin, the very same person who had captivated his attention earlier in the library. A moment of silence lingered between them as their eyes met, and Wonbin's smile sent a jolt of familiarity through Shotaro's heart.

"Sure," the man whom Shotaro presumed to be their coach responded, breaking the trance. "You're welcome to use a corner. Make yourselves at home." Sohee expressed his gratitude with a quick "Thank you," and playfully nudged Shotaro, urging him forward. Reluctantly, he tore his gaze away from Wonbin and followed Sohee to claim their practice space.

As they settled into their chosen corner, Sohee couldn't help but notice Shotaro's distracted demeanor. "I didn't know he danced." Shotaro said, a mix of surprise and intrigue flickering in his eyes. "Who?" Sohee asked. "That boy over there," Shotaro pointed discreetly in Wonbin's direction. "I actually know him." Shotaro said and Sohee nodded.

Determined to channel their energy into their upcoming audition, Shotaro and Sohee began selecting a song, and practiced it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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