2. befriending

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wonbin pov

Engrossed in the captivating world woven within the pages of my book, time seemed to slip away effortlessly. With the final chapter read, I closed the book gently, a contented smile gracing my lips. It had been an excellent read, a literary journey that had left an indelible mark upon my imagination.

As I lifted my gaze from the pages, my eyes instinctively sought out the boy who had been observing me earlier. To my surprise, he was still engrossed in his quest to find the perfect book. A soft chuckle escaped my lips, my amusement at his unwavering determination echoed silently within my thoughts. Little did I know that his acute hearing had caught the sound, for in that moment, he turned around, his gaze meeting mine once again.

Feeling a sudden shyness wash over me, I quickly averted my eyes, feigning interest in the shelves nearby. With deliberate steps, I made my way towards the bookshelf, intending to return my recently completed literary companion and embark on a new adventure between the pages of another.

As I reached for the shelf, my hand extended, only to find that the coveted book I had longed to read was tantalizingly out of reach. Frustration coiled within me, my height betraying me at the most inconvenient of times. A quiet expletive slipped through my thoughts, my hopes of acquiring the book dashed by my own physical limitations.

Just as I resigned myself to the disappointment, a hand gently reached out, bridging the gap between me and my desired treasure. Startled, I looked up, and there he was—the boy who had caught my attention earlier. In that moment, I truly saw him for the first time. His eyes were round and filled with warmth and a smile hung around his mouth. It was a gaze that melted any remaining traces of embarrassment within me.

With gratitude flooding my voice, I accepted the book, feeling a renewed sense of appreciation for this unexpected act of kindness. "Thank you," I murmured softly, my cheeks tinged with a hint of blush. The thought of my earlier predicament danced in my mind, mingling with a newfound admiration for the boy.


Lost in the labyrinth of my own thoughts, I retraced my steps back to the cozy corner where I had been immersed in my book. However, before I could fully settle in, a gentle tap on my shoulder startled me, causing me to stiffen and spin around to face the source of the interruption. To my surprise, it was none other than the boy whose gaze had captivated me earlier.

A nervous anticipation filled the air as he mustered the courage to speak. "Um, can I get your name?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. My heart skipped a beat as I contemplated his request, gathering my thoughts before responding, "I'm Wonbin." The words escaped my lips, a simple introduction that seemed to carry more weight than I had anticipated.

A genuine smile spread across his face as he repeated my name, savoring its melody. "Nice name! I'm Shotaro," he replied, his voice infused with warmth and friendliness. It was in that moment that I noticed something remarkable about him—he had an infectious smile, one that radiated joy and sincerity. It was a smile that could brighten even the dullest of days, and it left an indelible impression upon me.

With a nod of acknowledgment, I mustered a brief response, "Nice to meet you." My own awkwardness with conversation prevented me from offering more, but I hoped that my sincerity was conveyed through my actions and the glimmer in my eyes. The silence that followed was filled with a subtle anticipation, the unspoken desire to prolong our interaction and explore the budding connection that seemed to have effortlessly formed between us.

Before I could find the right words to bridge the gap, Shotaro spoke once again, his voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "I'll see you around?" he ventured, his eyes searching for a sign of affirmation. I nodded, my response a testament to the unspoken promise that our paths would cross again in the vast expanse of the library.

With a graceful pivot, Shotaro turned toward the shelves, his purposeful strides carrying him closer to the book he sought. I watched as he effortlessly selected his chosen companion, a silent reminder of the shared passion for literature that had brought us together. He made his way to the counter, his steps a gentle melody against the library floor, and borrowed the book that would accompany him on his own literary voyage.

Left momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events, I found myself grappling with a mix of disbelief and wonder. How had I managed to forge a connection with someone even without exchanging many words?

As I settled back into my corner, I started reading my book without thinking anything much more.

shotaro pov

As I strolled along the familiar path home, my heart soared with a sense of accomplishment. I had managed to break through the barriers of my own shyness and engage with someone beyond the confines of my usual circles - school and dance class. Wonbin—his name danced through my thoughts, resonating with a melody that brought a smile to my face. It was a name that held a unique charm, one that left an imprint on my heart.

Lost in my musings, I found myself contemplating the future. If I ever have a child, the name Wonbin would certainly be a contender. Its allure transcended the mere connection to the person I had just met—it possessed an inherent beauty that resonated with me. It seemed destined to grace the life of someone special, a name that carried the weight of my newfound connection and the promise of endless possibilities.

Yet, as the euphoria of our encounter lingered, a sense of urgency tugged at the corners of my mind. The realization struck me like a sudden gust of wind—I had forgotten to exchange social media information with Wonbin. A pang of anxiety gripped my heart as I contemplated the possibility of losing touch with him. Without the library as our meeting ground, our paths might never intersect again.

Determined not to let this opportunity slip away, I promised myself that I would find a way to bridge the gap and ensure our connection continued to blossom. I made a mental note to visit the library more frequently, hoping to catch a glimpse of Wonbin amidst the shelves once again. It felt like the universe had conspired to bring us together, and I refused to let it unravel so easily.

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