1.3 Body double

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The student lounge.

Everyone except Jughead was gathered in the student lounge, engrossed in a lively conversation. Archie occupied a single chair, Betty and Kevin were seated on the couch, Veronica was in another single chair, and Y/n sat on the arm of the same chair.

"So, are you a suspect now?" Veronica asked Kevin.

"My dad says we all are. Including me," Kevin replied.

"Not us. We don't know these people," Y/n chimed in.

"Guys, should we maybe re-binge *Making a Murderer* on Netflix tonight?" Kevin suggested, causing a brief round of chuckles.

"Sorry, I can't. Gotta stay late to work on the paper," Betty said.

"Count me out too, I've got a date tonight," Veronica added with a grin.

"You do?" Archie asked.

"With who?" Y/n inquired.

"Which Riverdale hottie made the cut?" Kevin teased.

Veronica's smile grew wider, and she tilted her head without answering directly. As some of the Bulldogs walked past, Chuck Clayton called out to her.

"Hey, Vee-lo. I'll swing by the Pembrooke to pick you up at 8?" Chuck said.

"I'll be waiting," Veronica responded.

"Chuck Clayton?" Betty asked, pointing towards the door.

"You're going on a date with Chuck?" Kevin asked.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Y/n frowned slightly.

Veronica didn't respond to Y/n's question. "He's kinda a player," Betty commented.

"Who cares?! He's the hottest of hot, and he's the varsity coach's son. In Riverdale, that's like dating a Kennedy," Kevin said.

They all looked at Veronica, who simply sipped her coffee with an amused expression. Y/n abruptly stood up, grabbing her bag.

"Where are you going, dear sister?" Veronica asked.

"Classes are over, and I have nothing better to do. I'm going to Pop's for my usual and then heading home to sleep," Y/n explained.

"Oh, okay. Be safe," Veronica said, taking another sip of her coffee.

"You too," Y/n replied with a nod, before heading out the door.


Y/N eventually made it to Pop's and went to sit at a booth until she noticed Jughead with his laptop open and a milkshake next to it.

She placed her bag on the seat across from him and headed to the counter to order.

"Hey Pop, can I get a cookies and cream milkshake and a side of your freshest fries, please?" she asked.

A kind smile formed on Pop's face. "Of course, Y/N. Anything else?"

"No, thank you," she replied, then returned to the booth where Jughead was sitting.

"Hey, Jug...what time did you get here?" she asked, moving her bag under the table so she could sit with her back against the wall and her feet resting on the chair.

Jughead was typing on his laptop. "I, uh, I got here not too long before you."

A waiter came over with her order. "Here you go! A cookies and cream milkshake with a side of our freshest fries!" he said with a snap, causing Y/N to chuckle.

𝐌𝐬. 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 - [𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐩𝐞𝐚]Where stories live. Discover now