The Store

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Chapter 14.... The Store

We stop at a shop, I start of slowly and walk towards the old rusty door

Jaden dashes in front of me and skips into the store.

As I walk in I see books, there was many people and a lady at a desk.

I walk up to her.

"Hello there what would you like?" The kind lady asks me as she directs me to a place full of chips candy, donuts, coffee and.....books

Dozens of them.

I walk toward the books..

"Let me now if you need anything" the lady grinned.

I didn't say anything back, I was looking at all of the books, trying to find the one for me.

"Sara!" Dennis yells.

I gallop towards him.

What is it I moan.

Look, he whispered as he points to something....

I look closely and see it...

It was beautiful.

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