Chapter 3 High School Dramatica

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“Bye mom!” I called walking out to the car.

I looked at my watch after a few minutes of waiting it was 7:45 exactly the time school starts.  What could be taking her so long? Finally after what felt like forever she emerged from the house.

“What took so long? I demanded when she sat down.

“I couldn’t find my phone but then I realized I was talking on it the whole time.” She giggled as she started the car.

“Wow Audrina good job.” I said sarcastically.

Just then my phone vibrated it was a text from Harper.

I think I’m going to call you Lexa Late from now on lol. Library don’t forget.

“Not funny Harper” I thought as Audrina and I drove in silence.

After a few minutes we arrived at school and I got my stereotypical tardy slip and then walked towards the library where my class was.

“Good morning Alexa, do you have your slip and your journal entry?” Asked Ms. Staley.

“Yeah here you go” I said handing her both items.

“Okay so right now we are just going around looking at student art from last night’s art show.” Ms. Staley said gesturing to the students looking at art behind her. “Then once your done I want you to write a page about how art makes you feel and why you think it does so.”

I walked over to where Harper was looking at a painting.

“This is Genie Aben’s” she said looking at me.

“Wow really? That is really good” I said looking at it closely.

Behind me I overheard a bit of conversation.

“When did you do that one Brooke Lyn?” Laydon Zeeger asked her.

“I finished it last week” said Brooke Lyn.

I turned around to see what they were talking about.

“I’ll be right back Harper I want to go see that painting” I said quickly as I turned to make my way over to toward Brooke Lyn and Laydon.

“Wow Brooke Lyn is that one of your’s? I asked

“Why yes Alexa” she said smiling.

“That is really good. You are a very talented artist.” I said.

“Awww thank you Alexa, it’s nice to see a classmate that appreciates art. No one else seems to be taking this very seriously. She said smiling.

“Well I want to go see the other art” I said. “Bye Brooke Lyn”

“Bye Alexa” She said turning back to her painting.

I quickly walked around and look at the other pictures and then took a seat next to Harper and started writing my paper.

“You know Harper I really think this art is pretty cool” I said after writing for a minute.

“Yeah I like the sculptures. Maybe I’ll take a ceramics class or something.” She said while working on her paper.

“Okay class we’re almost out of time please give me your art papers and be thinking about your projects.” Called Ms. Staley seconds before the bell rang.

“Alexa, I guess I’ll see you at lunch” called Harper as she left the library.

I handed my art feeling paper to Ms. Staley and walked towards math.

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