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Rin smile at 'her' babies as they were playing with toys, she got for them from Amazon." what will we call you,..as you are going to take care of us?" asks Satoru startling the poor female.

Rin places her palm on her heart as she nearly got an heart attack by the sudden voice of the white haired boy."oh..well as for i'm going to take care of you all..from now on,so you all will call me Mama,or mom..ok?" asks the girl as she patted satoru's head.

the other babies smile wildly as they nodded their heads,yelling"sure MAMA".

which causes Rin to smile softly at their cute behavior.


Rin placed Maki inside her seat,where she's going to eat food from. "ok..now everyone i've got your foods!" said the short haired girl and start placing cute , cute small bowls on their table which was attached to their seats. she also gives them little spoons to eat their food,after doing so.She smile in satisfiction seeing each and every baby eating nicely and happily.

her smile dropped when she look at panda and his sad face. And realization hit her like a truck-kun hitting Kisak-.

damn...panda eat,,YEAH they eat bamboo!

she ran to her backyard and cut off some bamboo ,running inside back she cut off the bamboo in two pieces as she gave it to the Panda ,for which he smiles brightly and start eating.

" do eat till it's finished for I'll not give you permission to watch cartoons!" she said as an horrible reaction was placed on the faces of the babies as they quickly start eating.to which Rin smile again.


Rin was happy,taking care of the babies ,it her new excitement.

giving them breakfast,lunch and dinner with their fav drinks to drink .Changing their diapers, which is kind of disgusting but its ok,washing off them , playing with them and everything.

in just three days they,ve changed the said her.

oh-let me tell you how and what happened.


Rin was reading as she was laying on the sofa while the babies were playing,watching and some drawing.

then suddenly Nobara runs up to her and pinch her shirt lightly,which causes Rin to look at her.Rin smile at her as she sit up,"what Nobara,,..do you want something?" she asks as she kneel down infront of the 2 years old Nobara,holding her shoulders softly.

Nobara nodded as she said out loud,"i need to poop!" which catch Rin of guard.Rin breaths as she takes the girl by her hand and fastly walk towards the washroom.

as soon as she open the door,Nobara stops ,looking at her with wide eyes"i peed ..and " Rin groans as she takes her inside and close the door behind,removing the baby's diaper,she hissed,closing her nose."this shit is gross..fucking hell" whispers the short haired girl as she started to clean Nobara,though Nobara being Nobara starts roaming around the washroom when it was time to wash off her butt.



After cleaning up Nobara,Rin opens the door as she comes out just to stop in her path.she looked down to see Yuji standing with teary eyes,"now don't tell me you couldn't control your shit.." whispers the girl groaning.


Rin folded her sleeves as she look down at the dirty babies."so today you'll are going to get clean up!" said the girl as she saw everyone gets in a line.

My Babies~ | Fem! reader X Baby Jujutsu-KaisenWhere stories live. Discover now