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"That drug worked? " asks the white haired man.

The next door open as Shoko came out stretching her hands a bit as she look at Rin.

"Of course.. It's a special curse" she said as she look at herself in the mirror.

"You are also in your normal form? " asks the white haired as he took the Apple from the basket and take a bite.

"What do you mean? Every one are.. Except Yuji" she said as she point at Nanami who was writing something on the laptop in his normal form.

Yuji pout as he also transformed into human form.

"Oh! YUJI! THERE IS A WOMAN HERE! " Gojo said as he throw a white blanket on naked yuji.

The pink haired boy chuckles as he wrap the blanket and run inside a room.

While he goes inside Nobara and Maki came out from the girls room.

"Damn.. She is tall.. Her clothes are hanging on me" Nobara said as she pulled up the pants once again.

"And she don't have skirts" Maki completed as she take a seat besides the sleeping Rin.

After that Yuji, Megumi, Inumaki came out from their room.

"Where is panda? " asks yuta as he sit besides Maki.

"He better not transform into his real form, it will be a disaster" said Gojo as he sit on the king sofa.

"What should we do? Now as that drug work.. " asks Megumi as he glance at his teacher .

"We will just take out the curse she has inside her, which is very dangerous for humans and then went to our place.. It's a shock that she don't even saw any of us before" said Nanami as he closes the laptop.

"Hmm.. but she won't die right? " asks the pink haired and Nobara at the same time.

"Depends on her stamina.. Though" Gojo said as he stands up. So does everyone.

"Let's get this completed so we can return.. " said Yuta as he raised his hand and then clap.


After they did what they supposed to do, everyone look at the jar in which Rin's curse is.

A black smoke filled the invisible jar as a red eye open widely.

"Damn.. This look more dangerous than Sakuna right now" Yuji whispers as he glance at the jar in which Gojo was gripping.

The white haired man smirks as he look at his student, "it is.. It's called The Crimson eye for no reason" he said as he open the cage and place it inside then they seal it.

Nobara lean down as she hold her index finger down Rin's nose.

"I don't know if she's read or not.. " she mumbled as Maki glance at her.

"Ok! 10 minutes left! We have to left-oh and look! The portal is here already!! " Gojo said as he walk forward.

He glance at the girl and then went inside the portal, shoko, Nanami, Panda followed.

Nobara look at the sleeping Rin as then she immediately hug the girl lightly and then went inside the portal.

Maki patted the girls head as she smiled and then left.

Yuta put a stuffed toy he won besides Rin as he smiles and then left.

Megumi place a flower behind her ear as he left.

Inumaki glance behind him, seeing no body he lower his collar as he place a peck on the girl's forehead where a mark was. "Take care.. " the boy whispers as he left after he place a banana milk bottle besides the girl .

Then Yuji came out from a room as he places a box besides her, he smiled at the girl and place his palm on her forehead

"Don't stress out, and be happy always! Stay strong Rin! " with that the boy also left.

The portal closes behind him as he whispers, "meet you again or never.. "

As the portal closes, the mark on Rin's forehead also disappear.


When Rin opens her eyes. She groan as she hold her head.

"Yuji.. "

"Satoru? " called Rin but she never got a response.

She stands up as she start walking, "Yuta?Toge?!... Nobara? "

She went inside their rooms to see them fully neat. Pillows on their places, blankets and even clothes of babies neatly wrapped.

She ran out of the room as she went inside the boys one, seeing the same as the girls on.

"NANAMI!! SHOKO! MEGUMI? PANDA WHERE ARE YOU! " yells the girl as she went to kitchen and start opening the cabinet but only finds the ingredient which was once empty.

She sigh as she sit on the counter seat, then she saw a note on her counter.

Taking the note she read it.

We are going, thank you taking care of us, it was a good time with you.


She chuckle sadly as she close her eyes,

Rin places her head on the counter as a tear escape her eye.

"Why.. The happiness I always found.. Leave me? " question the girl as she let her tears fall down.




Not sad at all..

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