4- Walk

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Percy grabbed Adelia's hand and the two left the rest of the group at the table. They walked in silence for a bit and Adelia looked up at her boyfriend. He seemed to have grown and his hair was darker and he had a new cut on his arm that seemed to be healing. It seemed awkward as the two made their way through the city, almost as if they didn't know what to say to each other, and that had never been a problem. Percy stopped them as they reached a small garden with vines and beautiful flowers.

"This reminded me of you when I saw it," he said, and just like that the tension was gone.

Adelia turned back to him after assessing the stunning garden, "Why?" She asked and Percy turned to her.

He tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and leant closer, "I don't know. I was walking past it and it just felt like you. I would stay here for ages, trying to remember everything we'd been through and then one day it all came rushing back and gods, I've never missed someone like I missed you, my star."

Adelia reached up and cupped his cheek in her hand, "Seaweed brain, you have no idea what I've done to try and get you back. If I'd known you were here I would have come straight away." Her words caught in her throat as she felt tears building up, out of frustration and sadness, "We had whole teams out, and I could barely sleep because you weren't there and I was so worried. Don't you ever leave me like that again, because I don't know what I would do without you."

Percy's eyes softened and he wrapped his arms around Adelia, lowering his head down so they could kiss. It wasn't like last time where they were elated to be reunited, this time it was slow and steady, each of them pouring their pent up emotions into it. Adelia stood on her tiptoes, trying to get closer to Percy. Sensing her need for comfort, her lifted her up, grabbing underneath her thighs, locking them around his waist.

She leaned back, wiping away her tears which were flowing freely, "Seriously, if you ever leave me again I'll throw so many daggers at you-"

Percy kissed her again, short and sweet, "Good thing I'm not leaving your side, ever again."

Adelia smiled as Percy let go of her legs so she could stand on the floor, he seemed reluctant to give her more space, he wanted to be as close as possible to her. She wrapped her hand around his and let him lead her through the city, allowing him to talk animatedly. He asked her all about camp and she told him everything she could remember, which wasn't much since she had been so focused on getting him back. She mentioned how Caleigh was starting to date and Percy pulled a face.

"She's too young to date." He said

Adelia had just laughed and informed him that Caleigh had already been on 3 dates. He started asking for names and Adelia just chuckled to herself. The two strolled around for a few more minutes until they both heard sounds of screaming. The two looked at each other for a minute before racing back to the main area of camp, their hands interlocked.

When they got there, a giant crater blew a hole in the forum and the two demigods looked around for their friends. Adelia saw Jason and Piper each with swords drawn. Percy yelled to the two demigods he had gone on the quest with and they turned signalling they were okay. Adelia started forward to go help a demigod that was trapped under some rubble but Percy grabbed her waist and brought her back to his chest as a giant spear soared through the air and crashed into the Senate house.

"What's going on?" She asked him, looking around frantically.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "Your ship is firing at us, any answers?"

Adelia turned to him astonished, "MY ship? What the hell Percy, I've been with you this whole time!"

"Right," Percy muttered, "Sorry."

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