13 - Scars vs Porcelain

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That night, Adelia had her worst nightmare yet. At first, she dreamt she was 12 again, in the alley with those boys who did unspeakable things to her. It was rare for her to have nightmares about them, but sometimes she still did. She was, as always panicked at seeing their faces. But they didn't do anything they stood and watched her. Until one spoke, in a voice that was deep and powerful.

"Let your anger fester, daughter of the moon. Let your power grow, for with you I will finally reunite with my love." He said, "You are the key to all of this. My wife doesn't see that we need you. Not the other females, you and the son of Poseidon. The most powerful, the most destructive. You could take down the gods if you wished, could remove them entirely. I would make you and anyone you wished immortal, the general of my armies. Unending power."

Adelia raised her dagger, "Fuck you."

"So be it."

And then she was falling, falling into a pit of darkness and her skin burned and someone was holding onto her ankle. Another body was wrapped around her, strong arms around her waist and this boy uttered words she couldn't make out.


She bolted up, her hair sticking to her forehead that was drenched with sweat. She looked out her left to see Percy, his eyes full of worry and concern, "Are you okay, star?"

Adelia stood up, her legs shaking. She walked to her bathroom, bracing her arms on the sink edge, Percy leant on the door tracking her every move. She looked up in the mirror and watched as her eyes flashed a silver colour before reverting to their usual caramel colour. She frowned. Percy moved behind her, his arms encircling her waist, he rested his chin on her shoulder, watching her in the mirror.

"Love, what's the matter?" He asked, rocking her gently from side to side.

Adelia pursed her lips before muttering, "A dream. It's nothing though, don't worry." And she broke free of his grip walking out to get breakfast. Percy watched her go, sand he was worried. They never kept secrets and this looked like it was a big one, and he had no clue how to help and he knew Adelia wouldn't want help, she never did.

Leo docked the ship at a pier in Charleston Harbor, right next to the seawall. Along the shore was a historical district with tall mansions, palm trees, and wrought-iron fences. Antique cannons pointed at the water.

By the time Adelia came up on deck, Jason, Frank, and Leo had already left for the museum. According to Coach Hedge, they'd promised to be back by sunset. Annabeth, Piper and Hazel were ready to go, but first Adelia turned to Percy, who was leaning on the starboard rail, gazing over the bay.

Adelia took his hand. "What are you going to do while we're gone?"

"Jump into the harbor," he said casually, like another kid might say, I'm going to get a snack. "I want to try communicating with the local Nereids. Maybe they can give me some advice about how to free those captives in Atlanta. Besides, I think the sea might be good for me. Being in that aquarium made me feel...unclean."

Adelia let her thumb stroke the back of his palm. He turned to her, brushing a stray curl away, "Are you sure you're alright, moon girl?"

Adelia kissed him,ignoring his question "Good luck, Seaweed Brain. Just come back to me, okay?"

"I will," he promised, deciding not to push any further. "You do the same."

Adelia tried to push down her growing unease.

She turned to Annabeth, Piper and Hazel. "Okay, ladies. Let's find the ghost of the Battery."

Afterward, Adelia wished she'd jumped into the harbor with Percy. She even would've preferred a museum full of ghosts.

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