24 - The Fall

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Adelia threw up. This was the second time Percy had been there with her but not the second time it happened. It was the stress of it all, she thought, maybe she was using too much of her powers at once. Whatever it was it wasn't good, it was a recent development in her life. She knew it was linked to her powers somehow whenever they seemed like they were going to burst out of her, she vomited out of pure stress and power build up. This time though, she knew it was because of Annabeth and her injuries. Once she had brushed her teeth to get rid of the taste she and Percy went into the dining room, Adelia sat on the table with her head between her hands, her hair falling around her face.

"Hey," Percy said, grabbing her hands and gently removing them, "It'll be okay, Annabeth will be fine. We'll be fine."

"You don't know that," Adelia replied, "we don't know if any of us will make it out of this alive and I don't know what I would do if I lost anymore people Percy."

Percy moved closer to Adelia, placing himself in between her legs, "You'd move on because you're the strongest person I know. It's nothing you'd ever have to worry about. I mean if I was kidnapped you would find me, you already did once. We're on our way to Annie. Leo's like a little brother to you, but who would want to kidnap him? See, we'll be okay."

Adelia tilted her head up to the ceiling. "I just want to be normal Percy, I don't want to be a demigod. I can't do it."

Percy kissed her gently, "Yes you can, if I can do it you definitely can, star girl."

Adelia wrapped her arms around Percy, letting his body warmth soak into hers. Percy hugged her tightly, lifting her off the table slightly. Adelia leant back and pushed some of Percy's dark hair out of his face, "I'm sorry, I've been focused on myself. What about you, what's going on in that brain full of seaweed?"

Percy frowned, "You haven't been focusing on yourself. That's the last thing you've done on this quest."

Adelia shrugged him off, still feeling guilty, "That wasn't my question."

Percy sat on the table next to Adelia and she rested her head on his shoulder. She ate a few chocolate covered strawberries as he thought about his answer, "I've been feeling a lot of responsibility for the whole quest, and i feel like I've been battling with Jason for leadership that I'm not even sure I want."

Adelia nodded her head, handing Percy a strawberry, "You're not responsible for anyone other than yourself Percy. I get why you feel that way though, you were a child of a great prophecy for 5 years and now you have 5 other, new demigods on the scene, one of whom is another leader. But you just need to remember who you are and what you stand for."

Percy turned to look at Adelia and she watched as his confidence faltered, "And what do I stand for, because I feel like I'm a pawn in this game of gods and titans."

Adelia cupped his cheek, "You stand for loyalty and all that's right in the world, you don't stand for giants and titans, you fight to clean the ocean and you stand for blue foods, especially blue cookies."

Percy smile at Adelia, "Have you been keeping tabs on me?"

Adelia shrugged, her nose crinkling, "I guess you could say I have a crush on you."

Percy laughed, throwing his head back, before kissing Adelia deeply, one hand tangling in her hair whilst the other lay on her neck. "I guess I have a crush on you too." Adelia smiled and put her forehead against Percy's and breathed him in, his salty scent. She relished in the safety of the moment that was until Coach hedge yelled.



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