🐙Rules && Guidelines 🐙

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Yo! If you stumbled across this book, welcome!! Make yourself at home! Would you like some cocoa? Tea? I have cookies too!

Welcome to this Assassination Classroom book! I'm your host/OP, Cecil/IDSmile, and I kindly invite you into my humble little abode. Now, I'm sure you wanna get into the roleplaying side of things, yeah? Well then, that's fine with me! We just have some rules and guidelines I'd like for us to go over before you fill out your forms.

There are passwords hidden within the rules that I ask you submit to me via direct messages when submitting your form.
Maybe, if you could, add a little message along with it too? "Hey, here's the passwords for the Assassination Classroom role-play!" works fine! Whatever you like, really!!

Now, let's get onto the rules, yeah?


🐙1 🐙

As always, I'm starting this off with this rule.

I do NOT tolerate things such as homophobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, etc in this book. I would like this place to be a safe space, and promoting such things in a positive light will lead to an immediate, permanent ban. Don't make fun of nor say anything derogatory about a character or OC  - hell, even an author /user here - just because they are LGBTQ+/POC/Neurodivergent/Disabled/etc.
If your character, or a character is to say a slur, only do so if :
A) you CAN reclaim it. If you can't, don't.
And B) you can censor it, as it may be triggering to someone who reads the current/past roleplays here.

🐙2 🐙

Jumping off the previous rule, you're more than welcome to have a diverse character! have them be queer, neuodivergent, POC, trans, etc - this is an accepting and safe area! As a queer , trans person myself, it would be greatly hypocritical of me to not accept this.
I am completely fine with this!! I can do MLM, WLW, MLNB, WLNB, Polyam, and Queerplatonic ships! Whatever you're down to do, talk about it with me initally, and I will most likely say yes.

🐙 3 🐙

I am a semi-literate to literate role player. I greatly enjoy detail; it sucks me into the world or zone of the roleplay, you know? It gets me hooked on the plot. Plus, it gives room for character development as well.
Personally, I write 8-10 sentences or more for both parts of the roleplay - my part, and your part. It would be awesome if you could respond /write literately as well. If you exceed the word limit, that's absolutely okay! I personally really like long responses, and I exceed the word limit regularly. Grammar mistakes will happen, and that's something that happens to the best of us. It's not something that I'll get upset about.
And please, use brackets of some sort ( (), {}, [], // ) to indicate that you are speaking to me out of role-play.
Otherwise, I'll just be one confused person.

🐙 4 🐙

I would like to state that this is a DOUBLE-SIDED roleplay. Please, please , please - do not purposefully exclude my OCs. They both exist, and are as much as a part of the roleplay as your OC is.
When you reply, I ask that you type a response for your OC, as well as one for my OC's love interest. And then I will do the same. I also ask that both responses are relatively the same in length. Don't have a 15 sentence response for your OC, and only a 7 sentence response for my OC's love interest. That's completely unfair. However, If it's a word limit thing, I understand! That honestly won't irritate me!

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