Mizore Ryusaki

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❝ Remember to hydrate! You need water to live, dummy. ❞

【Full Name】

Mizore Ryusaki

【Full Name Meaning 】

Mizore —
A name of Japanese origin, it means "Sleet" , or "Snow White Sleet"

Ryusaki —
From Japanese origins, 竜, 龍 (ryū) means "dragon" and 崎 (saki) means "cape, peninsula".

【Nicknames 】

Mi—Chan / Mizo—Chan —

A universal nickname used among friends, Mizore is as addressed this in more informal settings, usually at school or if she is out with friends somewhere. She does not hate this nickname, and is fine with people using it to address her.

Runt/The Runt—

A very playful and dumb nickname, Mizore is addressed by this by her older siblings. It's all in good fun, and it is merely pointing and lightheartedly jabbing that she is the youngest and smallest amongst her siblings. She is not opposed to being addressed as this privately or just around her siblings , but prefers not to be called a runt in a very public area.


Mizore is fifteen (15) years old.

【Date of Birth】

Mizore was born on December 21st, the Winter Solstice!

【Zodiac Sign】

Mizore is a Sagittarius ♐️.

【Biological Sex】

Mizore was assigned female at birth.

【Gender Identity】

Mizore identifies as a cisgender female.


Mizore uses she/her pronouns, but does not mind they/them!

【Sexual Orientation】

Mizore is bisexual, with no lean.

【Romantic Orientation】

Mizore is biromantic with no lean.

【Nationality 】

Mizore's nationality is Japanese.

【Languages Spoken 】


Mizore was born and raised in Japan, and is a Japanese person. Her first language was/is Japanese. She can speak this fluently.

English —

Taught within school as she grew up , Mizore can speak fluent English. Her schools has taught her this since kindergarten, and can speak it fluently today.

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