...My Wondering and Wandering Mind.

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When one mind's soars in realms that shouldn't have been seen by mortal eyes, how can one put it into words?

I'm not sure if someone will even lay eyes on the words that I write, not even sure if someone will ever understand the kind of breath I breathe. Not sure if someone will see the colors I see. Nor the songs I hear. Will anyone ever find me?

I've wanted to read, write, watch stories unfold. Stories that are so different and unique that I won't feel as alone. I want to find my own kind of different and unique. My own kind of beautiful.

My own kind of love.

I do feel it, I feel it so strongly now, but then again it still doesn't feel complete. Or is it?

You see, when one wonders and wanders too much, discoveries not yet explored are explored. Realms of color and unimaginable imagination flies. Words that don't seem to match complements. Answers instead of clarity would sound as riddles. And explanations given will seem gibberish. Because the realms traveled are so personal that no one would seem to understand.

I wonder and wander a lot. Maybe in this waking, collective world, it's called "introspection" or "imagination", but in my world, it's my own "creative travels".

I have created, built my own kingdom. A home of homes. In there all that anyone can ever imagine, all and beyond resides in peace, harmony, bliss, and love.

I wondered how a world would be like if there was no pain and sufferings, and so I wandered to see if it was indeed possible, and when I didn't find out what I was looking for, I then created my own.

As I said before, I am nothing and there for I am everything. I am a mist that passes and feels all. I am a sponge that absorbs all. Yet I believe I am also my very own filter. With the help of the friends and family, be it by blood or by stardust, be it in tears or Zeus bugs, of dragonflies or phoenixflies, we remain loyal and faithful to our core. Love.

In my dictionary of picturesque, love is but made clear by the diamond heart. All color reflected, all dark is absorbed and held. It is seen by the kaleidoscope eyes and shared with open wings.

Do I speak gibberish?

Am I in riddles?

Then close your eyes, ears, mouth, and simply feel me.

When skin touch skin, all nerves spike up and shivers will run through bodies.

You will know.

I know.

When I wonder and wander, I create more, I share more, I unite more, and I will continue trying to bring forth more.

I don't care if no one understands, even when I wish someone does, if no one does, I will accept and will still try.

I live, I laugh, I love to love, to laugh, to live.

My kingdom is home, is a playground, is a battle ground, and is the mysteries of life.

I speak of my truths and their truths.

I speak my words and their words.

Of those that came, is, and will.

When no one understands, I will.

In time, you will, too.

Fate has spoken.

Time has stopped.

Faith has led and is leading.

Karma smiles.

Love waits.

Will you arrive?

A being in love, in life, in awe, with longing, that is who I am.

This is me.

I wait for death, with fear and anticipation.

That maybe through it, I'd find what it is I truly seek.

But then again, I've fallen so deep in love with all and beyond, with the colors of life, that I cannot simply say goodbye.

I guess no matter how much I love the other side, I still can't simply jump. Even when I truly want to.

I guess I don't want to simply jump incomplete.

I want to be complete when I fly.

I want to soar and say,

"Hey, I did it all."

I still wonder and wander.

Hoping to find and hoping to be found.

I wonder, more than whispers of shouts, will you ever show up?

In all your glory in being?

Will you awake for me?




And then we write.

Create our own masterpieces.

My end?

I will have all that I desire and more.

For I am beyond limits and more.

If no one can give it,

I will claim no one.


Another blank page filled.

Will there be more?


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