chapter six

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Through the week I couldn't help but feel contended. Jack and I were on good terms and I couldn't be more happier.
Although Sam has kinda gotten in the way, he always seems to do that. Maybe Jack and I should tell him about us.

But what are Jack and I? He never asked me out, so what's to tell?

I tend to over think and complicate things. Over the years I've been better at not doing it so much.

I grab my laptop and decide to sit outside. The view of the lake always helps me work.

This neighborhood was very indifferent. We had neighbors beside our house, mainly old people live around here.Behind the neighborhood was a huge lake.
Everyone loves the lake in the summer, families come together and do all kinds of fun stuff.
Back then I never liked it much because there was never any kids to make friends with. Now I don't mind it as much.
The only joy in the neighborhood was Jack, with him there was always memories to be made.

I set out a lawn chair and starred at the lake, it was the middle of September so it was a little chilly.

I began typing up a report for an upcoming project I have.

"You look a little cold there" I hear a distinctive voice say.
I look up to see Jack walking from his back yard into mine.
"I guess I am a little cold, I've just been distracted" I laugh at my cluelessness.

Jack takes off his hoodie and pulls it over my head.
"Thanks Jack you always know how to win a girl over" I chuckle.

"It's hard to resist,I like seeing you smile you never do smile much" he remarks.

I smile a little at his remark.
"You sure are demanding" I claim jokingly.

"What are you working on?" He asks kneeling down next to me.
It was so cute how he was interested in my work.

"You wouldn't understand collage stuff you know?" I smirked at him, making his eyebrows furrow together.

"It's a report I have to do, I get to choose the subject so it's kinda difficult because I could write about so many things" I respond while typing on my laptop.

"Write about me" Jack suggested.

"Well you are quite the subject Jack but I need something spectacular I need to impress, this is so important to me I could go so many places if my professors love my writing" I responded.

"I don't know if I should be offended or not" he laughs.

I laugh at him for a minute, and begin to type more.

"But I have a question for you" he announced.

Could he be asking me out? What exactly would I say.
I would defiantly say yes, right?

"Elizabeth" Jack says getting my attention.

"Ye..ah what's the question?" I stuttered from my nervousness.

"You wanna come to a football game with me?" Jack asks.
My nervousness went away as soon as he asked that.

"Absolutely not, no" I retort.

"What..why? Don't you miss your friends?" He stammered.

"Do you see how hard I've worked to get out of highschool? You think I want to go back to see the people I finally get to avoid?" I sigh.

"It could be fun" he shrugs.

"Yeah it could be, tell me why I should come" I ask.

"I want to show you off to everyone, they need to know you're mine"he confessed.

"What's so special about me?" I ask confused.
Jack could have any girl, but he always chooses me.

Jack closes my laptop, he leans over and kisses my neck.
"Everything about you is special" he whispers.

"Stop that tickles" I blurt.
He began to do it more, and wouldn't stop.
Something inside me triggered me to start laughing.

I push him away but he grabs my waist making me fall on top of him in the grass.
"Jack my laptop" I say getting up and picking it off of the ground.

"I got to go charge this" I tell Jack.

"So is it a yes?" He asks with big eyes.

I look down at my feet and smile.

"Yes Jack I'll go, anything for you" I spoke.

"You're the best" he says giving me a kiss before making his way back to his house.
I do the same.
What's gonna happen when Elizabeth visits all of her old friends? Maybe you will find out why she left high school.
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