𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗿𝘂𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝗮𝗹𝗹

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Valerie Belcourt got off with a warning and a two hour detention that would take place the next day because of her "misbehavior" and Dean Bellanger insisted that she would not get off the hook easily because of her family or her naivety of how Fra...

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Valerie Belcourt got off with a warning and a two hour detention that would take place the next day because of her "misbehavior" and Dean Bellanger insisted that she would not get off the hook easily because of her family or her naivety of how France worked.
and because Valerie found herself respecting the man who lightly stumbled in his words she complied with a smile and left his office.

free period and lunch had made its way onto the schedule and there was nothing more Valerie Belcourt was glad. her back was straightened as she walked down the courtyard with all the courage she could muster, there was a bound leather book in her hands—this was not a work of fiction by Dostoevsky or Austen, this was her journal spilled with Valerie's most dangerous thoughts (something already dangerous on its own.)
ink was splattered across the pages, messy and cursive handwriting filled the thin pages with all she found new to hate in this new chapter of her life she wished to pass across quickly.

she did not talk to Annick Sabiani in their free period, the blonde found herself going up and around the building in search for the girl but did not find her new companion.
Michele Magnan and Simone Palladino happened to see the brunette girl sitting in a shadowed corner, the two wanted to approach the girl but decided against it. Valerie Belcourt's eyes were focused as she dawned her thoughts upon her journal like a madwoman, not bothering to notice the black stains in her hand from her pen.
truth was, the two wanted to become friends with Valerie. especially after the brunette showed courage to go against Mr.Douillard. so there was an agreement in their shining eyes, they'd attempt to converse in the cafeteria.

˚ · • . °

the minutes between their free period and lunch blended together and soon most students of Voltaire High sat around in groups of six amongst many tables of the room.
Valerie was so distracted in her own mind that she had not heard the bell ring nor payed attention to the students footsteps as they waddled into the school building.

small heels clacked on the wood below her, the crowd turned and there were whispers and rumors hiding away behind palms. she had found her way into the spotlight, she only wished it was under different circumstances where she wasn't thought to be disrespectful but brilliant instead.
still, she wavered whatever expression there could be found in her face and tilted her chin up and shoulders back the way her mother would before walking down the aisle. eyes stared at her movements as she did so, and to the audience surprise she seemed indifferent to their stares;  like she was used to it but truthfully, the fingernails of her stained hands met her palms harshly once more and she considered the two to be enemies the way her nails dug into her flesh like a knife cut through flesh.

  𝙅𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆𝙀𝙍.     -'๑'- Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now