𝘀𝗶𝘅. 𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳-𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗯𝗮𝗹

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Mrs. Descamps smiled strangely at the girl. she was unaware of any of Joseph's female companion recently, still the woman extended her wrinkled hands that were met by a firm handshake on Valerie's part.
"and who might you be?" the woman questioned with a evaluating look about her. Valerie made sure to keep her posture as straight as possible.

"my name is Valerie Belcourt. I'm a friend of Joseph's at Voltaire High." the brunette smiled ear to ear.
"is that so?" Mrs. Descamps held back a wince at the strong accent coming from the girl's lips. her eyes darted towards her son who's head turned to the window, she pursued her lips. "I'll leave you to your privacy, Ms. Belcourt." there was a polite nod shared among the women as the mother left the room warily.

"you heard my promise. don't mess with me is all I ask for." Valerie whispered. the few hairs on Joseph's neck stood up at the feeling of her hot breath against his neck, it made him close his eye tight.
"I hope to see you back in school, friend." Valerie said louder and giddily, smothering a simple kiss in the bandage of Joseph's knucles as she looked up at him and left.

˚ · • . °

Joseph Descamp's mind was full of her. she was in every corner of Joseph's mind as he spent the day in the hospital. she had intertwined herself with his every thought. her coffee eyes and soft lips against his skin, her perfect manner that was just a mask of whatever perversion she hid under the skin, her anger and unique way of saying words. it was all he could think about. he could only think of the scapel sliding against his body as he watched helplessly, the way she entirely changed her personality when his mother came to view. Valerie Belcourt may have looked like a heaven sent angel, but to him, she was the most wicked curse of them all.

however it was a new day, a new morning. and Joseph Descamps had been discharged by the hospital staff and now found himself walking alone in the cold breeze of fall as he approached Voltaire High. his one unconcealed eye bore an indifferent expression as heads with curious eyes jerked back to greet him.

Valerie Belcourt walked alongside Annick Sabiani, the two's relationship had grown a little tighter however they were still strictly polite with each other. they respected each other's personal boundaries and never made much of an attempt to force anything out of their new friendship. "do you think Joseph will show up to class?" the blonde girl's eyes leveled slightly down to where Valerie stood with a unreadable expression.

"he has been discharged. I don't know if he'll rest any longer at home but he's not staying long at the hospital." Valerie's tone was formal as she carried her bag like it was weightless against her arm. Annick stopped in her tracks and Valerie sensing the sudden movement stopped too and faced the light colored eyed girl, "how do you know?" a confused look stretched itself along the girl's features but Annick let it falter for their usual stone-cold face.

  𝙅𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆𝙀𝙍.     -'๑'- Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now